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ニンテンドーDS ニンテンドーディーエス
alternative words: DS
keywords: machine, model, nintendo
related topics: Gameboy advance
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explanation: Released at the end of 2004 by Nintendo as the successor of Gameboy advance, the main characteristics of this handheld machine is a dual screen which should allow to see another information without changing the mode. Besides the main processor ARM946E-S, Nintendo-DS owns ARM7TDMI processor in order to keep the compatibility with Gameboy advance. Wifi protocol allows to connect several DS together so many people can play simultaneously the same game. In March 2006, a top-end version, DS Lite was released.


ニンテンドーWII ニンテンドーウィー
alternative words: WII
keywords: machine, model, nintendo
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explanation: Expected to be released at the end of 2006 as successor of Gamecube, this game console owns a bluetooth connected controller, reacting to any swings made by the gamer, so it should introduce a new horizon for gamers, for example, the controller could be used as racket in a tennis game. Interests of the game can be increased by an auxiliary controller "Nunchuck", attached to the main controller, and also motion sensible. You can also enjoy a multi-player game by connecting several Nintendo-WII through Wifi.

Nippon Animation

alternative words: Nihon Animation
keywords: anime, company
related topics: Remi the Homeless Girl , Princess Sarah , Dog of Flanders , World masterpiece theater
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explanation: Anime producing company founded in June 1975. It is producing rather works of European and American writers than those of Japanese mangakas, with its famous TV series "The world masterpiece theater". It has realized among others "A Dog of Flanders" (1975), "Little princess Sara" (1985) et "Remi the homeless girl" (1995).


のび太 野比のび太
alternative words: Nobi Nobita
keywords: character, doraemon
related topics: Doraemon
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explanation: Boy in the 4th class of a primary school and in who's house Doraemon is living. Being useless at studies and physically weak, he is continuously bothered in school. For that reason, his grand grandson has sent from future (2112) a robot, called Doraemon, to protect him. His name "Nobita" comes from a Japanese pun, because it means "exhausted or beaten man".

Noboru Kawasaki

alternative words: Kawasaki Noboru
keywords: author, manga
related topics: Star of Giants
explanation: Japanese Mangaka, born on January 28, 1941 in Osaka. His main works are: "Star of Giants" (baseball manga) published by Shonen Magazine in 1967 and "Inakappe taisho" (manga comedy) published by Shonen Sunday in 1969.

Nobunaga no Yabo

alternative words: Nobunaga
keywords: game, title
related topics: Koei
related web sites:
explanation: Historic simulation of a Japanese civil war around 16th. You are playing the role of Nobunagaga, the most powerful war lord of that period. Your goal is to unify Japan by fighting against or allying with other war lords. The game was published by Koei in March 1988 for "Family Computer" of Nintendo and made a great hit in Japan. It has been adapted also to several platforms, including Windows and Macintosh.

Norimaki Senbei

alternative words: Senbei Norimaki.
keywords: character, dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Mad scientific in a manga comedy "Dr. Slump". He has invented a girl robot, Arale, in order to escape from a loneliness; he believes himself as the most handsome of the world.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01