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Machiko Hasegawa

alternative words: Hasegawa Machiko
keywords: author, manga
related topics: Sazae san
related web sites:
explanation: Born in January 1920 in Saga prefecture. She learnt first manga from the famous mangaka before the world war II, Suiho Tagawa then began to publish in 1946 "Sazae san" on a tiny local paper, Yukan fukunichi, then relayed to a big national paper, Asahi shinbun from 1949 to 1974. Writing nearly every day for 30 years, "Sazae san" has become a part of her life though we can quote "Eperon Obasan" and "Ijiwaru Basan" (wicked grandma) as her works, too. She died in 1992.

Magic Knight Rayearth

魔法騎士レイアース レイアース
alternative words: Mahou Kishi Rayearth, Magical Knight Rayearth, Rayearth, Ray Earth, MKR
keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Clamp
related web sites: , ,
explanation: One day, during a visit to Tokyo tower, 3 Japanese girls, Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki et Fuu Hououji, happen to be projected to a strange world of Cephiro. In order to save Cephiro from a total destruction by evil powers, they transform themselves to amazons endowed with magical powers like Sailormoon. Manga written by Clamp and published by Nakayoshi between November 1993 and April 1996. Anime series has been aired by Yomiuri TV and Nihon TV between 1994 and 1995.

Maison Ikkoku

keywords: anime, maison ikkoku, manga, title
related topics: Rumiko Takahashi , Godai , Kyoko
related web sites:
explanation: Manga written by a female mangaka Rumiko Takahashi. It is a sentimental and humorous story created by young people living in the same dormitory called "Maison Ikkoku" located in the suburbs of Tokyo. The author of this manga borrows the scenery from her memory of student's life. Appeared first time in Big Comic Spirits 1980-1987, since then it has been adapted to TV (Fuji TV between March 1986 and March 1988) and to a video game.


alternative words: Makankousappou, Makanko Sappo
keywords: diverse, dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Combat technique used by Piccolo in Dragon Ball. It consists to send a destructive lightning to his enemies in the same manner as Kamehameha of Son Goku.


keywords: general
related topics: Mangaka
explanation: Manga has become now an international term. "Man" means "comfortable" or "funny" while "ga" means "picture". Manag should probably have originated from "ukiyoe" of Edo period; Though the treated subjects were quite different, a boom of ukiyoe had allowed Japanese public to get pictures they love with a reasonable price.


alternative words: Manga artist, Artist of mangas
keywords: general, manga
related topics: Manga
explanation: Mangaka means "author of mangas" in Japanese. Ka is a suffix which means "artist" and its original meaning is "house" or "family" because in the old days, the activity of artists has perpetuated itself from generation to generation. You can also say "gaka" for "painter" and "ongakuka" for "musician".

Masami Kurumada

alternative words: Kurumada Masami
keywords: author, manga
related topics: Saint Seiya
explanation: Born December 6, 1953 in Tokyo, this Japanese mangaka began his career with "Sukeban Arashi" in 1974. Saint Seiya published on Shonen Jump from 1986 has been a great hit. In his private life, he loves martial arts.


alternative words: National, Panasonic
keywords: company
related topics: 3DO Real
related web sites:
explanation: Better known in Western world by its brand names like National or Panasonic, this big domestic appliance company was founded by a genial inventor, Konosuke Matsushita, in 1918 in Osaka: few houses being equipped with wall consents at that time, he had genial idea to add a consent to the bulb's socket to become rich. Though he could successfully impose VHS standard for video recorders against his rival Sony, 3DO console has not been so successful.

Mega Drive

alternative words: Megadrive, Genesis
keywords: machine, sega
related topics: Sega , Sega Saturn
explanation: Game machine released by Sega in October 1988. It would be the rival of Famicom from Nintendo thanks to its 16 bits CPU. Unfortunately, its palette supported only 64 colors, it had been quickly condemned by users because PC-Engine had supported already 256 colors. After this difficult start, its sales began to boost thanks to the spectacular success of an action game, "Sonic the hedgehog" released in July 1991. In USA, this machine has been commercialized with the brand name of "Genesis".


alternative words: Nyaasu
keywords: character, pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Team rocket
explanation: One of pocket monsters and looks like a cat. He attacks by using his claws. He loves to collect something circular like coins and sleeps in the daytime. His name come from a cat's cry. He is leader of the team rocket and carries the pokemon number 52.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01