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Anzu Mazaki

alternative words: Mazaki Anzu
keywords: character, manga, yugioh
related topics: Yugioh
explanation: Girl friend of Yogi Muto in Japanese manga, Yugioh. She dreams of studying the dance in America.


alternative words: Arale-chan, Ararechan, Arare-chan, Norimaki Arare, Norimaki Arale
keywords: character, dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Robot invented by Dr. Slump aka "Senbei Norimaki". It a very intelligent and powerful girl but a little odd as her inventor. By the way, in Japanese "Arale" means "hailstone" but also small rice cookies looking like pop-corn.

Arcade machine

alternative words: Professional machine, Arcade
keywords: general, machine
related topics: Console
explanation: Game machine intended to a professional usage like those in game centers, contrary to the console for home usage. There exist many video game which have shown its popularity in game centers before passing to home market such as "Space Invader" or Pacman.


keywords: character, sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon , Luna
explanation: Cat who looks like Luna but in white color in Sailormoon. He is there in order to protect Princess Serenity aka Sailor Venus.


アスキー ASCII
keywords: company, game
related topics: MSX
related web sites:
explanation: Japanese computer company founded by Kazuhiko Nishi in May 1977. Being one of the pioneers of computer industry in Japan, its business has been working well at that time, all the more since it was the exclusive distributor of Microsoft products in Japan. After failures of MSX project (standard of micro computers launched in June 1983 together with Microsoft) and other technology and finance disasters, the company is no more leader in the computer market.


alternative words: Satoshi
keywords: character, pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Pikachu
explanation: Boy of 10 years old and the main character of Pokemon. He departs to a long journey to become the best trainer of pocket monsters. He tames Pikachu offered by Professor Oak and Hitokage.

Ashita no Joe

alternative words: Rocky Joe, Tomorrow's Joe, Ashitanojo, Ashita no Jo, Ashitano Jo
keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Tetsuya Chiba , Shonen Magazine
related web sites: ,
explanation: When a young solitary boy, Joe Yabuki has encountered an old retired boxer, Danpei Tange, the tale begins. Initially Joe didn't want it, but because of the insistence of Tange and the appearance of his rival Toru Rikiishi, he decided to become a boxer. The manga, written by Tetsuya Chiba, was published by Shonen magazine between January 1968 and May 1973, while the anime version was aired by Fuji TV between April and September 1970, then between October 1980 and August 1981.


alternative words: Tetsuwan Atom
keywords: anime, astroboy, manga
related topics: Osamu Tezuka , Daddy Walrus , Dr. Elefun
related web sites:
explanation: One of the main works of the famous Japanese mangaka, Osamu Tezuka. It tells the tale of a small robot who defends the justice and the peace against gangsters and space invaders. Published in a monthly magazine "Shonen" from de 1951, it has been adapted to a TV series and aired by Fuji TV from 1963 (the first TV anime series in Japan).


alternative words: Uranchan, Uran-chan
keywords: astroboy, character
related topics: Astroboy
explanation: Young robot sister of Astroboy that Dr. Elefun has created for him. Uran means uranium in Japanese, alluding to the power source of all the Astro family.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01