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Yomiuri shinbun

alternative words: Yomiurishinbun, Yomiuri shimbun, Yomiurishimbun, Yomiuri, Yomiuri newspaper
keywords: newspaper
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explanation: One of Japanese oldest and world biggest commercial newspaper with 10 million copies. Founded in 1874 as a small daily with Furigana characters. Known as literally arts publication, the chief editor, Takahashi Sanae transformed Yomiuri to an important newspaper. The great earthquake of Kanto in 1923 damaged it and Shoriki Matsutaro took over the management. In 1942, it merged with Hochi shinbun. Yomiuri owns Yomiuri Giants (baseball team), Yomiuri TV and many publications.

Yoshida Shigeru

alternative words: Shigeru Yoshida
keywords: statesman
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explanation: Born in 1878 as a son of Takenouchi Tsuna and soon adopted by Yoshida Kenzo. After graduated at Tokyo university, he became a diplomat, but due to his pro Anglo-Saxon stance, he was forced by militaries to retire. After Japanese defeat, he resurfaced in politics and became 5 times prime minister between 1946 and 1954, collaborating American occupation. He signed San Francisco treaty in 1951 as chief delegate and tracked a Japanese pro American policy of post war period.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01