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Mainichi shinbun毎日新聞alternative words: Mainichishinbun, Mainichi shimbun, Mainichishimbun, Mainichi, Mainichi newspaper keywords: newspaper related web sites: http://www.mainichi.co.jp explanation: One of Japanese oldest newspapers with 4 million copies. Founded in Osaka in 1882 as an organ paper of Nihon rikken seito. Its name became "Osaka Mainichi" in 1988 with an emphasis to the merchant community. Yamamoto Hikoichi, appointed to chairman in 1903, transformed Mainichi to a great national publication. In 1911, it merged with Tokyo nichinichi shinbun and took the actual name. Its foundation was shaken in petrol shock of 1977 but restored with a new management. Ministry of foreign affairs外務省alternative words: Japanese ministry of foreign affairs, Foreign affair ministry, Gaimusho, Gaimushou, Gaimu sho, Gaimu shou keywords: organization related topics: Tanaka Makiko related web sites: http://www.mofa.go.jp explanation: Founded in 1869, the ministry of foreign affairs was a rare ministry not affected by a great ministerial reorganization of 2000 but troubled by the international and internal problems such as territorial disputes, visit of ex Taiwanese president, school manual problem, fraud on secret funds etc. Moreover, newly appointed rowdy Tanaka Makiko declared a war to her own ministry by accusing the executives of dissimulating the fraud on secret funds of foreign ministry. Minshuto民主党alternative words: Minshutou, Minshu to, Minshu tou, Democratic party, Democratic party Japan keywords: political party related topics: Jiminto , Hatoyama Yukio , Kan Naoto related web sites: http://www.dpj.or.jp , http://www.geocities.co.jp/WallStreet/5149/ explanation: Political party formed in 1996 from dissidents of Jiminto and socialists in order to establish 2 party regime like USA and UK. It absorbed dissidents of Shinshinto in 1998 to become new Minshuto (party of 1996 is called now old Minshuto). The first president was Kan Naoto, and the 2d and actual president, Hatoyama Yukio. Due to its background i.e., a mixture of conservatives and socialists, there exists a strong divergence on the defense and foreign policy to follow among its members. Mori Yoshiro森喜朗alternative words: Yoshiro Mori, Mori Yoshirou, Yoshirou Mori keywords: statesman related topics: Jiminto , Sankei shinbun related web sites: http://www.jimin.or.jp/jimin/fl/r_50on.html explanation: Born in 1937 in Ishikawa prefecture. Being wounded at rugby club in Waseda university , he adhered to the orator club where he met Takeshita Noboru. After a journalist job in Sankei shinbun, he was elected in the diet in 1969 and occupied different ministerial posts. In 2000, he was appointed as a replacement of the prime minister, Obuchi Keizo who died suddenly. Due to his careless comment of different matters, he became quickly unpopular and resigned in 2001 after Ehimemaru incident. Nakasone Yasuhiro中曽根康弘alternative words: Yasuhiro Nakasone keywords: statesman related topics: Jiminto , Tanaka Kakuei related web sites: http://www.yatchan.com explanation: Born in 1918 in Gunma prefecture. After graduated at Tokyo university, he worked in interior ministry. After the war, he was elected in 1947 in diet and soon remarked as a young hawk by advocating Japanese remilitarization. After occupied different ministerial posts, he became prime minister with a support of Tanaka Kakuei in 1982 and remained until 1987. During his reign the railroad and telephone systems have been privatized. After Recruit Scandal, he left Jiminto but still keeps an influence. Nikkei shinbun日本経済新聞 日経新聞 日経alternative words: Nikkeishinbun, Nikkei shimbun, Nikkeishimbun, Nihon keizai shinbun, Nihon keizai shimbun, Nikkei, Nikkei newspaper keywords: newspaper related web sites: http://www.nikkei.co.jp explanation: The world largest newspaper specialized in business and finance with 3 million circulation. It originated from "Chugai bukka shinpo", a weekly founded by Masuda Takashi, a general manger of Mitsui. It absorbed other business newspapers in 1942 to become "Nihon sangyo keizai shinbun". It took the actual name, "Nihon keizai shinbun" in 1946. The group not only publishes many dailies, weeklies and books but also owns business databases available through internet and mobile phones. Omu Shinrikyoオウム真理教 オーム真理教 アレフalternative words: Omu, Oumu, Aum religious sect, Aum, Aleph keywords: new religion related web sites: http://info.aleph.to , http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~sinzinrui/ , http://square.millto.net/~sacca/ , http://www.npa.go.jp/keibi4/it0.htm explanation: Founded by Matsumoto Chizuo alias Asahara Shoko in 1984, this new religion attracted many members due to its occultism and his experience in Himalayan monasteries. Aum became soon rich and powerful by cheating its members but many of its entourage having disappeared mysteriously, the police began to watch closely the activity. In 1995, Aum dispersed sarin gas inside Tokyo subway and 12 persons killed. The police immediately arrested Asahara Shoko and Aum dismantled. Ozawa Ichiro小沢一郎alternative words: Ichiro Ozawa keywords: statesman related topics: Jiminto , Minshuto related web sites: http://ozawa.tfcnet.co.jp/s1/index.htm explanation: Born in Iwata prefecture in 1942 and graduated at Keio university. After a sudden death of his father, he succeeded the father's electoral fief in 1969 under the banner of Jiminto. As a protégé of Kanamaru Shin, he became a general secretary of Jiminto but left it with Hata Tsutomu and other friends to found Shinseito in 1993 and formed a coalition government with Hosokawa Morihito as prime minister. As a dislocation of the coalition, he founded Jiyuto in 1998, which merged into Minshuto in 2003. Red army faction赤軍派alternative words: Red army, Sekigunha, Sekigun ha keywords: organization related web sites: http://www.tk.xaxon.ne.jp/~yuugeki/sekiguntop.htm explanation: Radical faction appeared from a dissidence of student organization, Kyosan Shugisha Domei in 1969. By using the most extremist methods, they attracted quickly a police attention and many members were arrested at Daibosatsu pass while some members fled to North Korea by high jacking an airplane in 1970 (Yodogo incident) or joint Palestinian movement. Those who remained in Japan were arrested after a bloody assault at Karuizawa (Asamasanso incident) in 1972. | |