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Koei光栄keywords: company, game related topics: Nobunaga no Yabo , Sangokushi related web sites: explanation: Publisher of video games founded at Ashikaga City in July 1978 and employs about 450 persons. It is well known to be a company specialized in historical simulation (war games), like "Sangokushi" (simulation of a Chinese civil war around the 3th century) and "Nobunaga no Yabo" (simulation of a Japanese civil war around 16th century). There exist also versions for personal computers like Windows and Mac. Kohai後輩alternative words: Younger, Kouhai keywords: general related topics: Senpai explanation: Those who are in lower classes of the same school or those who are still studying in the school, compared with those who have already finished the studies. Konamiコナミkeywords: company, game related topics: Tokimeki Memorial , Yugioh , Metal Gear Solid related web sites: explanation: Maker of arcade machines and video games founded in March 1969. Its flagship products are " Tokimeki Memorial" (girl hunt game) and "Yugioh" (RPG, a little like Pokemon but for elder consumers). It employs about 2000 persons, including subsidiaries, and owns a proper chain of game centers. Kosuke Fujishima藤島康介alternative words: Kousuke Fujishima, Fujishima Kosuke, Fujishima Kousuke keywords: author, manga related topics: Ah! Goddess explanation: Born July 7, 1964, this Japanese mangaka began his career in a weekly magazine, "Shukan Morning" with "Making be free". As his main works, we can quote "Taiho Shichauzo" (I will arrest you) and "Ah! Goddess". Kuririnクリリンalternative words: Krilin, Kulilin keywords: character, dragon ball related topics: Dragon Ball explanation: One of the oldest friends of Son Goku in Dragon Ball. Bald and small, prayers of Shorinji kenpo (one of Chinese karate schools) are written down on his head. He can emit dazzling light from his head to blind his enemies. Kyoko音無響子 響子alternative words: Kyoko Otonashi, Otonashi Kyoko keywords: character, maison ikkoku related topics: Maison Ikkoku explanation: Partner of the main character in an anime series, "Maison Ikkoku". After the death of her husband, she has inherited a dormitory, which is also the title of this anime, to become its manager. When Godai met her first time, he felt immediately in love with her. There us a pun in her name as well as in other names because Kyoko means "child of echo" while Otonashi means "without son" in Japanese. | |