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A. T. Field

alternative words: AT Field
keywords: diverse, evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Defense weapon in Evangelion. It consists to wrap around the body by a strong electromagnetic barrier in order that the enemy's weapons couldn't penetrate. A. T. Field means "Absolute Terror Field".


アダルト ポルノ漫画
keywords: general
related topics: Banned for under 18 , Pink
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: In Japanese, this word is synonymous with "pornography".

Ah! Goddess

alternative words: Aa Megami Sama, Aah! Megamisama, Megamisama
keywords: manga, title
related topics: Kosuke Fujishima
related web sites:
explanation: Manga created by a Japanese mangaka, Keisuke Fujishima. It tells a fanny tale of a boy who has called a goddess by an error of phone number and begun to live with her. Manga began to be published on November 1988 and it still continues.

Aim for the ace

alternative words: Ace wo nerae, Ace o nerae
keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Sumika Yamamoto
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Manga written by a woman mangaka Sumika Yamamoto and published in a weekly magazine Marguerite, from Shueisha. It tell the tale of a high school girl who, after entered the famous tennis club of her school, has followed severe lessons everyday to become champion; the anime version was brodcasted between October 1973 and March 1974 by Mainichi Hosoh.

Akane Tendo

alternative words: Akane Tendou, Tendo Akane, Tendou Akane
keywords: character, ranma 1/2
related topics: Ranma 1/2 , Ranma Saotome
explanation: The 3rd daughter of Soun Tendo and the fianc裠of Ranma. She has a gift for karate and spent her time to fight against boys of neighboring high schools before the arrival of Ranma.


秋葉原 秋葉
keywords: diverse, geography
explanation: District near the center of Tokyo. Initially, a district of cloth merchants, it has transformed to a district of home electric devices before becoming a district of computers and video games. Akihabara means "field of autumn leaves" in Japanese while "Akiba" is a slang.


keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Katsuhiro Otomo , Kodansha
related web sites: , ,
explanation: After WWIII, "Neo Tokyo" has been rebuilt on a reclaimed land. When a group of motor gangs conducted by Kaneda encounters an accident and his friend Testuo is severely wounded, the adventure begins. This futurist manga was written by Katsuhiro Otomo and published by "Young Magazine" of Kodansha between December 1982 and June 1990 while an anime version was released in 1988. The latter became a world wide success because of a surprising quality of animation.

Akira Toriyama

alternative words: Toriyama Akira
keywords: author, dr. slump, dragon ball, manga
related topics: Dragon Ball , Dr. Slump
explanation: Born April 5, 1955 in Aichi Prefecture near Nagoya City. He began his career by publishing "Wonder Island" but especially "Dr. Slump", the tale of a crazy scientific in "Shonen Jump". After a hit of the latter, he published in the same magazine "Dragon Ball", a kind of karate comedy, of which success in the world, especially in France, is notorious. Probably, he should be the most popular mangaka because the sales of his books has surpassed 100 millions in the world.

Amy Anderson

alternative words: Amy, Ami Mizuno, Mizuno Ami
keywords: character, sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon
explanation: Alias Sailor mercury with blue hairs in Sailormoon. She is super genius in the normal life with IQ coefficient 300. She wishes to be doctor; She gets her power from Mercury.


alternative words: Apostle, Disciple
keywords: diverse, evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Monsters which attack the Earth and against which our hero Shinji strives with the Evangelion robot. There exist 17 in total and each has a different morphology. The correct translation is disciple or apostle.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01