
This is the online dictionary of travel and tourism in Germany and Austria developed by Free Light Software. By clicking on a German word, you can find German related sites from German search engines. By clicking on a globe icon, you can display the locality on maps of Germany. By clicking on a thumbnail picture, you can enlarge it.
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German words: Aachen
keywords: human heritage, tourist resort, town
related topics: Cologne , Frankfurt
related web sites:
explanation: Located near Dutch border and west pf Cologne, Aachen has been a well known spa town since Roman period. Charlemagne fixed his palace at Aachen and died in 814 in a chapel which would become later a cathedral (enlisted in human heritage of UNESCO in 1978). For the subsequent 6 centuries, Holly Roman emperors had been used to be crowned at Aachen before this privileged moved to Frankfurt. The technical university of Aachen is one of the best schools in Europe. The population is about a quarter million.


German words: Baden-Baden
alternative words: Baden Baden
keywords: tourist resort, town
related topics: Karlsruhe
related web sites:
explanation: Located south-east of Germany in Bade-Wurtemberg region and near Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden has been renowned since Roman epoch for its thermal source. In 1847, well preserved remains of a Roman bath was discovered. A residence of Margrave of Baden since 12th century, Baden-Baden was devastated during Thirty Years' War and Napoleon War in 17th century but has become a popular destination of European aristocrats thanks to an opening of casinos and theaters since 18th century. Its population is about 55,000.


German words: Bamberg
keywords: human heritage, tourist resort, town
related topics: Nuremberg
related web sites:
explanation: Located in central Germany in north of Nuremberg, Bamberg appeared first in the history in 902 with the name of Castrum Babenberch. In 1007, Holy German Emperor, Henry II made Bamberg an seat of bishop in order to christianize eastern Germany. Following Luneville treaty, Bamberg was ceded to Bavaria in 1802. Saved from allied bombings during WWII, Bamberg still keeps many picturesque medieval buildings such as Cathedral, Old Town Hall and century old breweries which are recorded in UNESCO's human heritage.


German words: Berlin
keywords: tourist resort, town, world cup
related web sites: ,
explanation: Founded in 12th century, Berlin was first the capital of Brandenburg until 1701 then that of Kingdom of Prussia until 1871 before becoming the capital of a unified Germany. After WWII, Berlin was divided to 2 sectors and the eastern part was the capital of East Germany until the reunification in 1990. As attractive spots, we can quote Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche and Reichstag. Covered one third of surface by forests and waters, the population is about 3.4 millions


German words: Bonn
keywords: rhine valley, tourist resort, town
related topics: Cologne , Berlin
related web sites:
explanation: Situated in North Rhine-Westphalia region on the Rhine river, Bonn originated from a Roman fort built in 9 A.D. Little has remained from this epoch, for a medieval city, Bonnburg, was built, by using its wall stones. Between 1288 and 1803, Bonn was the capital of Principality of Cologne and many baroque buildings were added. Bonn was the capital of West Germany between 1949 and 1990. After the reunification, the essentials of governmental functions have been moved to Berlin. Beethoven was born there in 1770


German words: Bremen , Stadtgemeinde Bremen
keywords: human heritage, tourist resort, town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Conquered by Charlemagne in 8th century, Bremen had developed as a center of Northern Europe's christianisation for next centuries. After fallen into the hands of Henri the Lion in 12th century, Bremen became a prosperous free merchant town, well described by Grimm brothers' tale, Musicians of Bremen. Located along Weser river in Northern Germany, Bremen forms a state-region with Bremen Haven and its population 550,000. The city hall and statue of Rolland, city's protector, belong to UNESCO's world heritage


German words: Köln
keywords: human heritage, rhine valley, tourist resort, town, world cup
related topics: Bonn
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located on the west bank of Rhine river in North Rhine-Westphalia region, Cologne is one of the largest cities of Germany. Built as a Roman colony, Cologne had developed as the seat of an archbishop then a member of Hanse league during the middle ages. The famous Eau de Cologne was invented by an Italian immigrant in 18th century. After WWII, Cologne was rebuilt quickly thank to a vicinity to Bonn, West-Germany's capital. Its population is at 960,000. The cathedral of Cologne is a UNESCO's human heritage.


German words: Dortmund
keywords: town, world cup
related web sites:
explanation: Initially a tiny village but rebuilt by German emperor Barbarossa in 1152, Dortmund became soon a prosperous merchant city of Hanseatic league. It was also the largest beer producer in Europe. Thank to coal mines located nearby, Dortmund played also an important role in the industry revolution of Gemany in 19th century. Dortmund-Ems Canal of 269km length, opened in 1899 allows cargo ships to reach directly Dortmund harbour from North Sea. Situated in North Rhine-Westphalia, the population is about 590,000.


German words: Dresden
keywords: human heritage, tourist resort, town
related web sites:
explanation: Located near Czech border in eastern Germany, Dresden was mentioned first in 1206 as a tiny fishing port. During the middle ages, Dresden had been a prosperous capital of Saxony dukedom, elector of German Emperors. Its sovereigns are lined up on a huge porcelain wall, "Fürstenzug". In February 1945, 2 allied bombings annihilated Dresden center along with inestimable German baroque master pieces such as Frauen-Kirchen. In 2004, Dresden was chosen as a human heritage. Its population is about a half million.


German words: Düsseldorf , Duesseldorf
keywords: rhine valley, town
related web sites:
explanation: Though prehistoric bones were discovered in a suburb at Neanderthal, Dusseldorf was first mentioned in 1135 as a tiny village. During the middle ages, it was the capital of Jülich Duchy then given to Palatine count before occupied by French troops in 1795. Located on the east bank of the Rhine, Dusseldorf is the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia region and also the center of German fashion industry: luxurious shops run alongside Königsallee. Heinrich Heine was born there in 1797. Its population is 570,000.


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Last update: 06/08/19 08:44