
This is the online dictionary of travel and tourism in Germany and Austria developed by Free Light Software. By clicking on a German word, you can find German related sites from German search engines. By clicking on a globe icon, you can display the locality on maps of Germany. By clicking on a thumbnail picture, you can enlarge it.
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German words: Kaiserslautern
keywords: town, world cup
related web sites:
explanation: Located in Rhineland-Palatinate region, near French border, Kaiserslautern took this name because it had been a favourite hunting place of German Emperor, Barbarossa in 12th century. During 16th century, Kaiserslautern had been bitterly disputed between Catholics and Protestants, then came centuries of French invasions. The town being severely bombed, few historic monuments remains. Kaiserslautern has many research centers and universities as well as a US military base. Its population is about 100,000.


German words: Karlsruhe
keywords: rhine valley, tourist resort, town
related web sites:
explanation: Located south-east of Germany in Bade-Wurtemberg region and near French boarder, Karlsruhe was founded in 1715 as a residence of Margrave Karl Wilhelm of Baden-Durlach and had been its capital until 1771 then that of Baden until 1945. The town was built following an original plan of Italian architect, Mauritio Pedetti, which consists in surrounding the castle by 32 radial roads. Karlsruhe is also well known as the seat of German constitution court and a technical university. Its population is about 286,000


German words: Kiel
keywords: baltic sea, town
related web sites:
explanation: Situated in northern Germany, Kiel is the capital of Schleswig-Holstein and also a major harbour on the Baltic Sea, thanks to its exceptional geographic position, at the head of Kiel canal opened in 1895 and which links the Baltic Sea with the North Sea. Founded in 1233, Kiel had been an area disputed between Denmark and Germany until recently because Danish king was at the same time the count of Schleswig-Holstein. Being the main base of U-boats, Kiel was severely bombed by the allied powers during WWII.


German words: Koblenz
keywords: human heritage, rhine valley, tourist resort, town
related topics: Trier , Loreley
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explanation: Located at the confluence of the Rhine river with the Moselle, Koblenz has originated from a military post built by Romans in 9 B.C. During Carolingian times, it was a residence of Frankish kings, then became a fief of Trier's archbishops from 1018 to 18th century. It had been occupied by France in 1794 until the Napoleon's defeat in 1815 when the Congress of Vienna gave the town to Prussia. The old center of Koblenz along with the middle Rhine valley has been enlisted in UNESCO's world heritage since 2002.


German words: Leipzig
keywords: town, world cup
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in Saxony region near Czech border, Leipzig has had always a merchant vocation since the middle ages and the famous Leipzig trade fair began at this epoch. Johann Sebastian Bach worked as cantor at St. Thomas church for 27 years. In 1813, Schwarzenberg defeated Napoleon just outside Leipzig (Battle of the Nations). In 1839, Leipzig became the starting point of the first long distance railroad in Germany and its station is still one of the largest in Europe. The population is about a half million.


German words: Loreley
alternative words: Lorelei
keywords: human heritage, rhine valley, tourist resort
related topics: Koblenz
related web sites:
explanation: Loreley is the name of a rock hanging over the Rhine above 120m, where due to a narrowness of the valley and underwater reefs, many shipwrecks happened. The name comes from the old German words "lureln" (murmuring) and "ley" (rock) because of echos provoked by surrounding cliff. The poem of Heinrich Heine, " I cannot explain the sadness", immortalized this rock. The stretch of the Rhine river from Bingen to Koblenz along with medieval castles and vineyards was enlisted into UNESCO's human heritage in 2002.


German words: Lorsch , Kloster Lorsch.
alternative words: Lorsch Abbey
keywords: human heritage, tourist resort
related topics: Heidelberg , Mainz
related web sites:
explanation: Located on Bergstrasse (mountain road) which links Heidelberg and Darmstadt along the edge of Odenwald, the abbey of Lorsch was founded by a Frankish Count Cancor and his mother in 764 and had become one of the major monasteries in Carolingian Empire until 1232 when it was absorbed by diocese of Mainz. During Thirty Years' War, followed by a French invasion in 17th century, all the buildings were destroyed excepting for Königshalle (Gatehouse), which has been enlisted in UNSECO's world heritage since 1991.


German words: Lübeck , Hansestadt Lübeck
keywords: baltic sea, human heritage, tourist resort, town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in northern Germany on Baltic sea, Lubeck is the second largest city of Schleswig-Holstein region with population 214,000. Though there had been a settlement of Slavic people beforehand, Lubeck was officially founded in 1143 by Adolf II, Count of Schauenburg and Holstein and became the prosperous capital of Hanseatic League. Brick built Gothic style buildings such as Dom and Marienkirche of old town allowed Lubeck to be enlisted in World's human heritage in 1987. Thomas Mann was born there in 1875.


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Last update: 06/08/19 08:44