Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 10
translation: range, put in a row, accompany
連: ren: batch of papers (jp.)
連なる: tsuranaru: be connected [linked] (with, to), stand [stretch] in a row
連ねる: tsuraneru: put (things) in a row, range
連れる: tsureru: take [bring] (a person) with one, be accompanied by, be attended by
に連れて: nitsurete: as, with, in proportion to [as]
連: tsure: companion, company
連れ帰る: tsurekaeru: bring [take] (a person) back [home] <<<
連れ込む: tsurekomu: bring [take] (a person) into, entice (a person) into <<<
連れ込み宿: tsurekomiyado: inn catering for dubious couples
連れ出す: tsuredasu: take (a person) out <<<
連れ立つ: tsuredatsu: go along [in company] with, go together, accompany (a person) <<<
連れ戻す: tsuremodosu: take (a person) back <<<
連れ添う: tsuresou: become married (to a person), get married to a person <<< , 結婚
連れて行く: tsureteiku: take (a person) with one, take (a person) off <<<
連れ無い: tsurenai: heartless, unfeeling, , cold, coldhearted, cruel <<<
連に: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly <<<
連: muraji: eight main clans who aided emperors (jp.)
連: tsura, yasu, masa, tsugi: pers.
Kanji words: 道連れ , 連鎖 , 連日 , 連発 , 連携 , 連合 , 連盟 , 連帯 , 連立 , 連隊 , 連絡 , 連中 , 国連 , 連珠 , 連続 , 連邦 , 子連れ , 注連縄 , 関連 , 連載 , 連動 , 連合い , 連結 , 一連 , 常連 , 連敗 , 連勝
Expressions: 夫婦連れで , 二人連れ , 二人連れで , 家族連れ , 家族連れで , 供を連れる
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