Japanese display


pronunciation: tsuuhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: ventilation, airing
通風が良い: tsuuhuugaii: be well ventilated, have good ventilation <<<
通風が悪い: tsuuhuugawarui: be badly ventilated, have bad ventilation <<<
通風管: tsuuhuukan: air pipe, ventiduct <<<
通風器: tsuuhuuki: ventilator <<<
通風計: tsuuhuukei: draft gauge <<<
通風口: tsuuhuukou: ventilation hole <<<
通風孔: tsuuhuukou: vent (hole), ventage <<<
通風窓: tsuuhuusou: vent [ventilation] slot <<<
通風装置: tsuuhuusouchi: ventilating device <<< 装置
related words: 通気 , 換気

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