Japanese display


pronunciation: shouko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: evidence, proof, demonstration, testimony
証拠と成る: shoukotonaru: prove, testify, bear witness to, give a proof of, demonstrate, attest <<<
証拠立てる: shoukodateru <<<
証拠固めをする: shoukogatameosuru: gather (collect) evidence <<<
証拠品: shoukohin: piece of evidence <<<
証拠物件: shoukobukken <<< 物件
証拠人: shoukonin: witness <<<
証拠金: shoukokin: deposit money <<<
証拠書類: shoukoshorui: documentary evidence <<< 書類
論より証拠: ronnyorishouko: The proof of the pudding is in the eating <<<
直接証拠: chokusetsushouko: direct proof <<< 直接
情況証拠: joukyoushouko: circumstantial evidence <<< 情況
related words: 証人

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