Japanese display


pronunciation: eisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: hygiene, sanitation
衛生に良い: eiseiniii: good for the health, wholesome, healthy <<<
衛生に悪い: eiseiniwarui: bad for the health, unwholesome, unhealthy <<<
衛生的: eiseiteki: hygienic <<<
衛生学: eiseigaku: hygiene, hygienics <<<
衛生係: eiseigakari: paramedic, health officer <<<
衛生兵: eiseihei <<<
衛生家: eiseika: cautious liver, observer of hygiene <<<
衛生室: eiseishitsu: sanitary [medical] room <<<
衛生紙: eiseishi: sanitary towel [napkin] <<< , ナプキン
衛生設備: eiseisetsubi: sanitary facilities <<< 設備
衛生施設: eiseishisetsu <<< 施設
衛生状態: eiseijoutai: sanitary conditions <<< 状態
衛生行政: eiseigyousei: sanitary administration, sanitary authorities <<< 行政
衛生試験所: eiseishikensho: hygienic laboratory
公衆衛生: koushuueisei: public health, hygiene <<< 公衆
公共衛生: koukyoueisei: public health <<< 公共
食品衛生: shokuhinneisei: food hygiene <<< 食品
環境衛生: kankyoueisei: environmental sanitation <<< 環境
related words: 保健

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