Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 13
translation: crime, offense, guilt
罪: tsumi
罪な: tsumina: cruel, inhuman
罪の有る: tsuminoaru: guilty, sinful, blamable <<<
罪の無い: tsuminonai: not guilty, blameless, harmless <<<
罪に処する: tsuminishosuru: punish (a person), condemn (a person to) <<<
罪に服する: tsuminihukusuru: plead guilty, admit the charge <<<
罪に陥れる: tsuminiotoshiireru: incriminate (a person) <<<
罪を犯す: tsumiookasu: commit a crime [sin] <<<
罪を購う: tsumioaganau: expiate [atone for] one's crime [sin] <<<
罪を免れる: tsumiomanugareru: escape punishment, be acquitted of a charge <<<
罪を負う: tsumioou: hold oneself blamable [responsible] (for), take the guilty [blame] upon oneself <<<
罪を減じる: tsumiogenjiru: mitigate [reduce] a person's punishment <<<
罪と罰: tsumitobatsu: Crime and Punishment (a novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1866) <<<
Kanji words: 謝罪 , 罪悪 , 罪人 , 犯罪 , 大罪 , 無罪 , 冤罪 , 罪業 , 重罪
Expressions: 侮辱罪 , 無実の罪 , 贈賄罪 , 猥褻罪 , 堕胎罪 , 姦通罪 , 反逆罪 , 恐喝罪 , 偽造罪 , 横領罪 , 浮浪罪

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