Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: crime , tool
Number of strokes: 15
translation: cord, rope, cable, correct (v.)
縄: nawa: cord, rope, cable
縄に掛かる: nawanikakaru: be arrested <<<
縄を掛ける: nawaokakeru: bind [fasten, tie] (with a rope), cord up, arrest <<<
縄を解く: nawaotoku: unbind, untie, set (a person) free <<<
縄を張る: nawaoharu: stretch a rope, rope off [out] <<<
縄す: tadasu: correct (vt.), amend <<<
Kanji words: 縄張り , 注連縄 , 沖縄 , 縄文 , 縄跳
Expressions: 一筋縄 , 縄梯子
synonyms: ロープ , コード

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