Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 14
translation: right, edge (bor.)
端: tan: unit of cloth's length (jp.) <<< ,
端を発する: tannohassuru: originate in [from], arise [start] from <<<
端しい: tadashii: right, correct <<<
端め: hajime: beginning, start <<< ,
端: hashi: end, tip, edge, border, corner, scrap, piece
端から端まで: hashikarahashimade: from end to end, from cover to cover (of book)
端無くも: hashinakumo: accidentally, by chance, unexpectedly <<<
端: hashita: fraction, odd sum, fragment
端の: hashitano: fractional, odd
端たない: hashitanai: mean, low, vulgar <<< 下品
端が出る: hashitagaderu: have sth. over, leave a fraction <<<
端折る: hashioru, hashoru: tuck up [in], cut short, abridge <<<
端: hata: edge
端に: masani: exactly <<<
端: ha: side (jp.)
Kanji words: 途端 , 端末 , 半端 , 末端 , 先端 , 端書 , 端緒 , 発端 , 片端 , 出端
Expressions: 囲炉裏端 , 井戸端 , 端から端まで

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