Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: push, press
ou, kou
押す: osu: push (v.)
押し合う: oshiau: push [jostle, hustle] one another <<<
押し開ける: oshiakeru: push [force] open <<<
押し上げる: oshiageru: push [thrust] up, boost up <<<
押し返す: oshikaesu: push [press, force] back, reject <<<
押し戻す: oshimodosu <<<
押し掛ける: oshikakeru: go uninvited, crash (a party), gate-crash, throng (to a place) <<<
押し切る: oshikiru: brazen [face] it out, break down an opposition <<<
押し倒す: oshitaosu: topple (a person) over, throw [push] down <<<
押し付ける: oshitsukeru: press [hold] (a person) against, compel, force <<<
押し通す: oshitoosu: persist (in doing) to the last [end], stick to (one's belief) to the last, carry through, endure through <<<
押し止める: oshitodomeru: stop, check, hold (a person) back <<<
押し流す: oshinagasu: wash [sweep] away <<<
押し退ける: oshinokeru: push [thrust] away [aside], shove aside, force (a person) out of the way <<< 退
押し破る: oshiyaburu: push [force, burst] open <<<
押し寄せる: oshiyoseru: march [advance] on, rush for <<<
押し分ける: oshiwakeru: push through, push [elbow] one's way through <<<
押し込める: oshikomeru: press [push, squeeze] in, stuff into, confine, lock up, take (a person) into custody <<<
押し出す: oshidasu: push [force, thrust, squeeze] out, push forward <<<
押し立てる: oshitateru: hoist, support <<<
押し並べて: oshinabete: generally (speaking), in general <<<
押さえる: osaeru: press (v.)
押し: oshi: will (n., jp.)
押: kakihan: signature
Kanji words: 押売 , 手押 , 差押 , 押入 , 押し目 , 押収
Expressions: 拇印を押す , 目白押し , 駄目を押す , 欲望を押える , 消印を押す , 癇癪を押える , 後から押す , 壷を押える , 取り押える , 肘で押す , 判を押す , 手を押える , 念を押す , スタンプを押す , ボタンを押す , 押しボタン , ベルを押す
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