Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 15
translation: play, frolic, enjoy
gi, ge, ki
戯れる: tawamureru: play (v.), frolic, enjoy, joke, jest, flirt (with), dally (with)
戯れ: tawamure: play (n.), fun, joke, flirtation, necking, dalliance
戯れに: tawamureni: for [in] sport, for [in] fun, in play [joke, jest]
戯す: jarasu: play with
戯つく: jaratsuku: play with
戯れる: jareru: play [sport] (with), playful, frisk
Kanji words: 戯言 , 悪戯 , 遊戯

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