Japanese display


pronunciation: aisou, aiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: kindness, courtesy
愛想の良い: aisounoii: amiable, sociable, affable, agreeable, fair-spoken <<<
愛想を良くする: aisouoyokusuru: be affable (to), make oneself agreeable (to)
愛想良く: aisouyoku: amiably, hospitably, cordially, sleekly
愛想の悪い: aisounowarui: cold, unsociable, inhospitable, blunt <<<
愛想の無い: aisounonai <<<
愛想を尽かす: aisouotsukasu: be disgusted (with, at by) <<<
愛想が尽きる: aisougatsukiru
愛想を尽かされる: aisouotsukasareru: be given up (by)
愛想笑い: aisouwarai: ingratiating smile <<<
related words: 御世辞 , 愛嬌

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