Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: pull out, snatch, rob, take away, nab
奪う: ubau: snatch (a thing from a person), take (a thing) away (from a person), rob (a person of a thing), plunder (a person of his goods), pillage, deprive, absorb (a person's attention), engross (a person's mind), fascinate, enrapture, carry away
奪い合う: ubaiau: scramble (v.), contend <<<
奪い合い: ubaiai: scramble (n.) <<<
奪い返す: ubaikaesu: take [win] back, recapture <<<
Kanji words: 奪還 , 略奪 , 剥奪
Expressions: 資格を奪う , 純潔を奪われる , 位を奪う
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