Japanese display


pronunciation: huuhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , love
translation: couple (husband and wife), pair
夫婦の: huuhuno: conjugal, marital, matrimonial
夫婦の縁: huuhunoen: marriage-tie, marriage [wedding] knot <<<
夫婦に成る: huuhuninaru: get married, live in wedlock <<<
夫婦連れで: huuhuZurede: with one's wife [husband] <<<
夫婦愛: huuhuai: conjugal affection <<<
夫婦仲: huuhunaka: conjugal relations <<<
夫婦喧嘩: huuhugenka: domestic scene <<< 喧嘩
新夫婦: shinhuuhu: newly married couple, newlyweds <<<
若夫婦: wakahuuhu: young couple, young married <<<
老夫婦: rouhuuhu: old couple <<<
鴛鴦夫婦: oshidorihuuhu: happily married couple <<< 鴛鴦
似合の夫婦: niainohuuhu: well-matched couple <<< 似合
新婚夫婦: shinkonhuuhu: newly-married couple, newlyweds <<< 新婚
熟年夫婦: jukunenhuuhu: couple of a ripe age <<< 熟年
related words: 結婚

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