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pronunciation: baai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: occasion, time, circumstances, case
の場合には: nobaainiha: in case of, in the event of, on the occasion of
場合に拠っては: baainiyotteha: under certain circumstances, as the case may be <<<
場合に拠り: baainiyori
場合に拠る: baainiyoru: That depends upon circumstances, It all depends
場合に応じて: baainioujite: as the case may be <<<
火急の場合には: kakyuunobaainiha: in an [in case of] emergency <<< 火急
最悪の場合: saiakunobaai: in the worst case <<< 最悪
急用の場合: kyuuyounobaai: in case of emergency <<< 急用
大抵の場合: taiteinobaai: in most case, generally <<< 大抵

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