Japanese display


pronunciation: seiryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: influence, power
勢力の有る: seiryokunoaru: influential, powerful, weighty <<<
勢力の無い: seiryokunonai: powerless, uninfluential <<<
勢力を揮う: seiryokuohuruu: wield power, dominate <<<
勢力を張る: seiryokuoharu: extend one's influence <<<
勢力争い: seiryokuarasoi: struggle for power <<<
勢力家: seiryokuka: influential person <<<
勢力均衡: seiryokukinkou: balance of power <<< 均衡
勢力範囲: seiryokuhanni: one's sphere of influence <<< 範囲
保守勢力: hoshuseiryoku: conservative force <<< 保守
第三勢力: daisanseiryoku: the third force, the third partisan group <<< 第三
反対勢力: hantaiseiryoku: counterinfluence <<< 反対
革新勢力: kakushinseiryoku: progressive force <<< 革新
安定勢力: anteiseiryoku: stabilizing power <<< 安定
related words: 権力 , パワー

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