Japanese display


pronunciation: shoubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
勝負する: shoubusuru: have a match [game, bout] (with), contest, fight, try a fall
勝負に勝つ: shoubunikatsu: win a game <<<
勝負に負ける: shoubunimakeru: lose a game <<<
勝負有り: shoubuari: The game is up, Game! <<<
勝負有った: shoubuatta
勝負無し: shoubunashi: draw, tie, standoff <<<
勝負を付ける: shoubuotsukeru: flight to the finish, settle the day <<<
勝負を決する: shoubuokessuru <<<
勝負事: shoubugoto: game of skill, game of chance, gambling <<<
勝負師: shoubushi: crack player, gambler <<<
一発勝負: ippatsushoubu: one-shot match <<< 一発
一番勝負: ichibanshoubu: one-game contest <<< 一番
三番勝負: sanbanshoubu: three-game match, rubber <<< 三番
真剣勝負: shinkenshoubu: combat with real swords, serious combat <<< 真剣
真剣勝負をする: shinkenshoubuosuru: fight with real swords <<< 真剣
related words: 試合 , マッチ , ギャンブル

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