Japanese display


pronunciation: kanjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: calculation, computation, reckoning, payment, settlement of accounts, bill, account, consideration
勘定する: kanjousuru: count, reckon, calculate
勘定違い: kanjouchigai: miscalculation, miscount, arithmetical [computational, computing] error, error in calculation <<<
勘定違いする: kanjouchigaisuru: miscalculate
勘定を間違える: kanjouomachigaeru <<< 間違
勘定を払う: kanjouoharau: pay a bill <<<
勘定を済ます: kanjouosumasu: settle a bill [an account] <<<
勘定を持つ: kanjouomotsu: pay a bill for others <<<
勘定を溜める: kanjouotameru: run up bills <<<
勘定を付ける: kanjouotsukeru: keep accounts <<<
勘定に入れる: kanjouniireru: take (a matter) into account [consideration] <<<
勘定に入れない: kanjouniirenai: take no account of, reckon without
勘定高い: kanjoudakai: calculating, mercenaly <<<
勘定取り: kanjoutori: bill [debt] collector <<<
勘定書: kanjougaki: a bill <<<
勘定日: kanjoubi: payday <<<
当方勘定: touhoukanjou: our account <<< 当方
月末勘定: getsumatsukanjou: month-end payment <<< 月末
手形勘定: tegatakanjou: account of exchange <<< 手形
残高勘定: zandakakanjou: balance account <<< 残高
預金勘定: yokinkanjou: deposit account <<< 預金
利息勘定: risokukanjou: interest calculation <<< 利息
当座勘定: touzakanjou: account current <<< 当座
財産勘定: zaisankanjou: assets and liabilities account <<< 財産
売掛勘定: urikakekanjou: accounts of credit sales, charge account <<< 売掛
売上勘定: uriagekanjou: sales account <<< 売上
現金勘定: genkinkanjou: cash account <<< 現金
related words: 計算 , 会計

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