

発音: かざむき, ふうこう
漢字: ,
キーワード: 天気
翻訳:direction of the wind, situation, humor
風向が変わる: かざむきがかわる: The wind shifts, The direction of the wind changes <<<
風向が良い: かざむきがいい, かざむきがよい: The wind is favorable, The wind turns for one, The situation is changing for the better <<<
風向が悪い: かざむきがわるい: The wind is unfavorable, The wind turns against one, The situation is changing for the worse <<<
風向を知る: かざむきをしる: know [see] how the wind blows <<<
風向計: ふうこうけい: anemometer, wind vane <<<
関連語: 形勢 , 機嫌

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