

発音: ゆだん
漢字: ,
翻訳:inattention, carelessness, imprudence, unguarded moment, negligence
油断する: ゆだんする: be off one's guard, be careless, be inattentive, be negligent (of)
油断させる: ゆだんさせる: throw a person off his guard
油断した: ゆだんした: careless, inattentive, unguarded
油断の無い: ゆだんのない: watchful, careful, cautious, attentive, alert, observant, vigilant, wary <<<
油断無く: ゆだんなく: carefully, cautiously, attentively
油断に乗じる: ゆだんにじょうじる: take a person off his guard, take advantage of a person's unguarded moment <<<
油断大敵: ゆだんたいてき: Security is the greatest enemy <<< 大敵
油断禁物: ゆだんきんもつ <<< 禁物
反意語: 注意

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