
画数: 7
翻訳:me, I, oneself, my, mine

我: が: self, ego, egoism
我の強い: がのつよい: self-willed, obstinate, headstrong <<<
我を通す: がをとおす: carry one's will through, have one's own way, hunker <<<
我を折る: がをおる: yield (to), give in, bend to (another will) <<<
我: われ: me, I, oneself
我が: わが: my, mine
我に返る: われにかえる: come to oneself <<<
我を忘れる: われをわすれる: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
我を忘れて: われをわすれて: in spite of oneself, involuntarily <<<
熟語:我慢 , 我家 , 我楽多 , 我等 , 我々 , 怪我 , 我流 , 我身 , 我儘
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