

発音: へた
漢字: ,
キーワード: 芸術
翻訳:unskilfulness, mediocrity
下手な: へたな: poor, unskillful, mediocre
下手をやる: へたをやる: make a mess of it
下手をすると: へたをすると: if you do not take enough care, if you are unlucky
下手に成る: へたになる: get out of practice <<<
下手糞: へたくそ: really bad! <<<
下手な考え休むに似たり: へたなかんがえやすむににたり: it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one, they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep, inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
下手な鉄砲も数打てば当たる: へたなてっぽうもかずうてばあたる: even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries, even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
演技が下手: えんぎがへた: be a poor actor, perform badly <<< 演技
着付が下手: きつけがへた: dress oneself badly <<< 着付
関連語: 上手

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