Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , chemistry
Number of strokes: 11
translation: mix, mingle, blend, confuse, confusion
混ぜる: mazeru: mix (vt.), mingle, blend, adulterate, admix
混じる: majiru: mix [mingle] (with), blend, get mixed [mingled] (with)
混ざる: mazaru
混ぜ合わせ: mazeawase: mixture, assortment <<<
混ぜ合わせる: mazeawaseru: mix together, assort <<<
混ぜ返す: mazekaesu: mix [stir] up, banter (at) <<<
Kanji words: 混浴 , 混雑 , 混迷 , 混沌 , 混入 , 混血 , 混合 , 混乱
Expressions: 混ぜ御飯 , 取り混る
synonyms: , ミックス

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