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category: to learn in school
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 5
translation: commit [perpetrate] (a crime), violate [break] (the law), offend against, rape, assault
han, bon
犯す: okasu

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 5
translation: source, origin, book
hon, pon, bon
本: hon: book, true (pref., jp.), real, official, main, unit to count sticks [bottles]
本: pon, bon: unit to count sticks [bottles]
本: moto: source, origin <<<
本の形で: honnnokatachide: in book form <<<
本にして: honnnishite
本を書く: honnokaku: write a book <<<
本を出す: honnodasu: publish a book <<< , 出版
本を読む: honnoyomu: read a book <<< , 読書
本の虫: honnnomushi: bookworm <<<
synonyms: , 読物 , ブック

category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: meal, food, eat
han, bon
飯: meshi: meal, food, boiled rice
飯の種: meshinotane: means of living <<<

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 3
translation: all, whole, banal, about, nearly
bon, han
凡そ: oyoso: about, nearly, in round numbers, around <<<
凡その: oyosono: approximate
凡て: subete: wholly, all, altogether, on the whole <<<
凡ての: subeteno: all, whole, every
凡: nami: banal, average <<<

category: common usage
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 9
translation: bowl, basin
bon, hon
盆: bon: tray (jp.), salver, server, Lantern Festival, Buddhist Day of the Dead
盆: hachi: bowl, basin, pot, crown (of the head) <<<

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: trouble, annoy, worry, bore, cumber
han, bon
煩わしい: wazurawashii: annoying, boring, cumbersome
煩わす: wazurawasu: trouble (vt.), annoy, worry, bore, cumber
煩う: wazurau: be worried, be concerned
煩い: wazurai: sickness (jp.), illness <<<
煩い: urusai: annoying, troublesome, tiresome, noisy, boisterous, persistent, importunate, fastidious, hard to please, Shut up! Don't bother me! Leave me alone!
煩く: urusaku: annoyingly, persistently, importunately
煩る: urusagaru: feel annoyed [bothered] (by, at), find (a matter) troublesome
煩らせる: urusagaraseru: annoy, bother
煩くせがむ: urusakusegamu: pester (a person into doing), importune (a person to do)
煩そうに: urusasouni: with an annoyed look [air]


pronunciation: bon
etymology: Bonn (de.)
keyword: europe
translation: Bonn
ボン市: bonshi: City of Bonn <<<
リンゼイ・ボン: rinzeibon: Lindsey Vonn <<< リンゼイ
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