Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 12
translation: picture, painting, drawing, pattern
kai, e
絵: e: picture, painting, drawing, pattern, sketch, illustration, figure <<< スケッチ
絵の: eno: pictorial
絵の様な: enoyouna: picturesque <<<
絵を描く: eokaku: draw, paint, sketch <<<
絵に描いた餅: enikaitamochi: pie in the sky, castle in the air
Kanji words: 蒔絵 , 墨絵 , 絵描 , 絵画 , 絵札 , 絵本 , 絵馬 , 絵具
Expressions: 本物の絵 , 絵葉書 , 浮世絵 , 大和絵 , 南蛮絵 , 絵文字 , 絵文字の , ピカソの絵

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