Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: thin, fine, slim, slender
sai, sei
細い: hosoi: thin, slender, fine, narrow, tapering
細い声: hosoikoe: thin [small] voice <<<
細く: hosoku: thinly, finely
細くする: hosokusuru: make (a thing) slender [fine, thin], narrow, sharpen
細く成る: hosokunaru: become thin [thinner, more slender], dwindle <<<
細る: hosoru
細かい: komakai, komaka: small, fine, minute, detailed, elaborate, delicate, close, strict, exact, thrifty, frugal, economical, sensitive
細かく: komakaku, komakani: finely, minutely, in detail, closely, particularly, strictly
細かくする: komakakusuru: cut [break up] (a thing) into small pieces, tear to pieces, chop, change (into small money)
細しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed <<<
細しく: kuwashiku: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
Kanji words: 詳細 , 細菌 , 細心 , 細身 , 繊細 , 細工 , 細波 , 明細 , 細胞 , 細切 , 些細 , 仔細
Expressions: 神経が細い , 事細かに , 芸が細い , 痩せ細る , 痩せ細った , 心細い

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