Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 18
translation: habit, way, custom, tendency, leaning
癖: kuse
癖が付く: kusegatsuku: get into a habit (of doing) <<<
癖が有る: kusegaaru: have a habit (of doing) <<<
癖に成る: kuseninaru: become a habit, make a precedent <<<
癖を付ける: kuseotsukeru: form a habit (of), accustom oneself to (doing) <<<
癖を直す: kuseonaosu: cure oneself of a habit, beat a person out of habit <<<
Kanji words: 口癖 , 寝癖
Expressions: 孤独癖 , 読書癖 , 虚言癖 , 飲酒癖 , 収集癖 , 放浪癖 , 浪費癖 , 書籍収集癖 , 其の癖

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