Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant , finance
Number of strokes: 10
translation: foot, stump
株: kabu: foot, stump, stock (jp.), share, asset, monopoly, business, practice, goodwill
株を買う: kabuokau: buy stocks (of), take stock <<<
株を売る: kabuouru: sell stocks (of) <<<
株を持つ: kabuomotsu: hold shares <<<
株を遣る: kabuoyaru: speculate on the stock exchange [market] <<<
株で儲ける: kabudemoukeru: make money on the stock market <<<
株で損する: kabudesonsuru: lose money on the stock market <<<
株が上がる: kabugaagaru: The shares rise [go up], gain in a person's estimation <<<
株が下がる: kabugasagaru: The shares fall [crumble], lose in a person's estimation <<<
Kanji words: 株式 , 株主 , 切株 , 株価
Expressions: 優先株 , 黄金株 , 無償株 , 記名株 , 仕手株 , 成長株 , 上場株 , 権利株 , 主力株 , 投資株 , 自社株 , 銀行株 , 株バブル , グロース株 , バリュー株
synonyms: ストック

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