Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , china , economy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: origin, source, beginning, first day of the year, leader, yuan (a Chinese money), Yuan dynasty (a Mongolian dynasty in China, 1271 AD-1368 AD)
gen, kan
元: koube: head (neck)
元: moto: origin, source, beginning, foundation, basis, root, capital, principal (n.), cost price, materials
元の: motono: former, ex, old
元は: motowa: formerly, once, before, originally
元から: motokara: from the beginning [first]
元を掛ける: motookakeru: invest (in), put money (in, into) <<<
元が掛かる: motogakakaru: require much money [a large capital], occasion costs <<<
元も子も無くす: motomokomonakusu: lose both principal and interest, lose all [everything]
元も子も無い: motomokomonai
元を取る: motootoru: recover cost <<<
元を切って売る: motookitteuru: sell below cost
Kanji words: 元旦 , 元日 , 紀元 , 元素 , 口元 , 元々 , 身元 , 隠元 , 元祖 , 元帥 , 手元 , 還元 , 元号 , 国元 , 中元 , 次元 , 地元 , 元気 , 改元 , 元本
Expressions: 製造元 , 発売元
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