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Direct access: 合図 , 一撃 , 射手 , 裏切 , 衛兵 , 英霊 , 援護 , 演習 , 遠征 , 追討ち


pronunciation: aizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , war
translation: signal (n.), sign (n.), wink (n.)
合図する: aizusuru: signal (v.), give a signal, sign (v.), motion (v.), wink (v.)


pronunciation: ichigeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: one blow, swipe
一撃で: ichigekide: at one blow
一撃の下に: ichigekinomotoni <<<
一撃を加える: ichigekiokuwaeru: strike a blow (at) <<<


pronunciation: ite, shashu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: marksman, rifleman, shooter
射手座: iteza: Archer, Sagittarius <<<


pronunciation: uragiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , war
translation: betrayal, treachery
裏切る: uragiru: betray, give away, play false
裏切者: uragirimono: betrayer, traitor <<<
裏切行為: uragirikoui: act of treachery, double cross <<< 行為
related words: 陰謀 , 反逆 , 背信


pronunciation: eihei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: guard, sentinel
衛兵所: eiheisho, eiheijo: guardhouse, guard post <<<
衛兵勤務: eiheikinmu: sentry [guard] duty <<< 勤務
衛兵交代: eiheikoutai: change of the guard <<< 交代
衛兵交替: eiheikoutai <<< 交替


pronunciation: eirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: spirit [soul] of the departed [war dead]


pronunciation: engo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: backing, support, protection
援護する: engosuru: back up, support, give support, protect
援護射撃: engoshageki: covering fire [barrage] <<< 射撃
related words: 保護


pronunciation: enshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , education
translation: exercise, practice, drill, seminar, sham fight [battle], maneuvers
演習場: enshuujou: exercise area <<<
synonyms: 練習


pronunciation: ensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: expedition, visit (n.)
遠征する: enseisuru: go on an expedition (to), visit (v.)
遠征軍: enseigun: expeditionary force, expedition <<<
遠征隊: enseitai <<<
遠征団: enseidan: visiting team <<<
遠征チーム: enseichiimu


pronunciation: oiuchi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 追撃ち, 追打ち, 追い討ち, 追い撃ち, 追い打ち
keyword: war
translation: pursuit
追討ちを掛ける: oiuchiokakeru: attack the routed enemy, pursue <<<
related words: 追撃

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