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Direct access: 暗渠 , 打水 , 沿線 , 会館 , 活気 , 街灯 , 街頭 , 給水 , 近郊 , 議会


pronunciation: ankyo
kanji characters:
keyword: town
translation: culvert


pronunciation: uchimizu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 打ち水
keyword: town
translation: watering
打水をする: uchimizuosuru: water (v.), sprinkle water (on)
庭に打水をする: niwaniuchimizuosuru: water the garden <<<


pronunciation: ensen
kanji characters: 沿 ,
keyword: town
translation: along a railroad [railway] line


pronunciation: kaikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: (assembly) hall, institute, chamber
related words: ホール


pronunciation: kakki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: briskness, life, vigor, animation, vivacity, exhilaration, ebullience, ebulliency
活気の有る: kakkinoaru: highspirited, lively, animated, active <<<
活気の無い: kakkinonai: lifeless, dull, flat, lackluster <<<
活気付く: kakkiZuku: become active, show liveliness, perk up <<<
活気を呈する: kakkioteisuru <<<
活気付ける: kakkiZukeru: give life (to), animate, enliven <<<
活気を添える: kakkiosoeru <<<
synonyms: 活発


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street lamp
related words: 外灯


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street
街頭で: gaitoude: on the street, in the street
街頭演説: gaitouenzetsu: street oratory, wayside speech <<< 演説
街頭募金: gaitoubokin: street fund-raising <<< 募金
街頭商人: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< 商人
街頭販売: gaitouhanbai: street sale <<< 販売
街頭宣伝: gaitousenden: street propaganda <<< 宣伝
街頭録音: gaitourokuon: street-corner recording <<< 録音
街頭芸術家: gaitougeijutsuka: street artist
synonyms: , ストリート


pronunciation: kyuusui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: water supply [service]
給水する: kyuusuisuru: supply water, supply with water
給水管: kyuusuikan: water pipe <<<
給水車: kyuusuisha: water wagon <<<
給水船: kyuusuisen: water boat <<<
給水所: kyuusuisho: water station <<<
給水塔: kyuusuitou: water tower <<<
給水栓: kyuusuisen: hydrant <<<
給水量: kyuusuiryou: supply of water, amount of water supplied <<<
給水制限: kyuusuiseigen: restricted [reduced] supply of water <<< 制限
給水ポンプ: kyuusuiponpu: feed pump
給水タンク: kyuusuitanku: water tank


pronunciation: kinkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: suburb, outskirts, environs, surrounding (town)
近郊の: kinkouno: near, suburban
synonyms: 郊外


pronunciation: gikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , town
translation: parliament, congress, diet
議会の: gikaino: parliamentary
議会を召集する: gikaioshoushuusuru: convoke the Diet [assembly, parliament]
議会を解散する: gikaiokaisansuru: dissolve the Diet [assembly, parliament] <<< 解散
議会政治: gikaiseiji: parliamentary government <<< 政治
議会制度: gikaiseido: parliamentary system <<< 制度
議会主義: gikaishugi: parliamentarism <<< 主義
州議会: shuugikai: state assembly [parliament] <<<
県議会: kengikai: prefectural assembly (in Japan) <<<
都議会: togikai: Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly <<<
市議会: shigikai: municipal [city] assembly <<<
町議会: chougikai: municipal [town] assembly <<<
村議会: songikai: municipal [village] assembly <<<
related words: 国会

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