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Direct access: 相手 , 相棒 , 居候 , 一般 , 浮世 , 階級 , 回覧 , 金持 , 関係 , 慣例


pronunciation: aite
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: partner, companion, competitor, opponent, rival
相手をする: aiteosuru: entertain, bear company
相手にしない: aitenishinai: ignore, pay no attention to
相手に成る: aiteninaru: deal with, contend with, play against <<<
相手方: aitegata: opposite party <<<
相手役: aiteyaku: coactor <<<
話相手: hanashiaite: companion (of conversation) <<<
related words: パートナー


pronunciation: aibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: mate (n.), partner, pal, accomplice
相棒に成る: aibouninaru: mate [pale up] (with) <<<
related words: 仲間


pronunciation: isourou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: hanger-on, dependent
居候する: isourousuru: be a dependent (on)


pronunciation: ippan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: generality
一般の: ippannno: general, universal, common
一般的: ippanteki <<<
一般に: ippannni: generally, universally, commonly
一般化: ippanka: generalization <<<
一般化する: ippankasuru: generalize
一般性: ippansei: generality, universality <<<
一般教育: ippankyouiku: general education <<< 教育
一般教養: ippankyouyou: common culture <<< 教養
一般教書: ippankyousho: State of Union
一般投票: ippantouhyou: popular vote <<< 投票
一般財源: ippanzaigen: source of general revenue
一般会計: ippankaikei: general account <<< 会計
一般価格: ippankakaku: common price <<< 価格
一般大衆: ippantaishuu: public at large, general public <<< 大衆
一般読者: ippandokusha: readers in general <<< 読者
related words: 全般


pronunciation: ukiyo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 浮き世
keyword: society
translation: transitory world [life]
浮世の: ukiyono: worldly, earthly, mundane
浮世離れした: ukiyobanareshita: unworldly, worldly innocent <<<
浮世を捨てる: ukiyoosuteru: renounce the world <<<
浮世が嫌に成る: ukiyogaiyaninaru: be weary [sick] of life
浮世絵: ukiyoe: Japanese woodprints <<<
related words: 世間


pronunciation: kaikyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: class, rank, grade, notch, caste
階級を設ける: kaikyuuomoukeru: set up classes <<<
階級が違う: kaikyuugachigau: belong to a different class <<<
階級が上がる: kaikyuugaagaru: be promoted, rise [advance] in rank <<<
階級章: kaikyuushou: rank ensign, class insignia <<<
階級制: kaikyuusei: class [caste] system <<<
階級制度: kaikyuuseido <<< 制度
階級闘争: kaikyuutousou: class warfare [strife] <<< 闘争
階級打破: kaikyuudaha: demolition of the classes
階級意識: kaikyuuishiki: class consciousness <<< 意識
階級差別: kaikyuusabetsu: class distinctions <<< 差別
階級社会: kaikyuushakai: hierarchical society <<< 社会
軍階級: gunkaikyuu: military rank, service grade <<<
synonyms: 等級 , クラス


pronunciation: kairan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: circulation, circular
回覧する: kairansuru: circulate
回覧板: kairanban: circular notice <<<
回覧票: kairanhyou: routing slip <<<
回覧雑誌: kairanzasshi: circulating magazine <<< 雑誌


pronunciation: kanemochi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: man of wealth, rich [wealthy] man [person], the rich
金持な: kanemochina: rich, wealthy
金持に成る: kanemochininaru: become [get, grow] rich <<<
金持もちに生まれる: kanemochiniumareru: be born rich <<<
金持階級: kanemochikaikyuu: moneyed class, the rich <<< 階級
大金持: ooganemochi: billionaire <<<
related words: 長者 , リッチ


pronunciation: kankei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar , society
translation: relation, relationship, connection
関係する: kankeisuru: be related [connected]
関係が有る: kankeigaaru: have something to do <<<
関係が無い: kankeiganai: have nothing to do <<<
関係を絶つ: kankeiotatsu: sever [cut off] a connection from <<<
関係者: kankeisha: persons concerned <<<
関係諸国: kankeishokoku: nations concerned
関係書類: kankeishorui: related papers <<< 書類
関係当局: kankeitoukyoku: authorities concerned <<< 当局
関係官庁: kankeikanchou <<< 官庁
関係閣僚: kankeikakuryou: ministers concerned <<< 閣僚
関係代名詞: kankeidaimeishi: relative pronoun
関係形容詞: kankeiyoushi: relative adjective
関係副詞: kankeihukushi: relative adverb <<< 副詞
無関係の: mukankeino: irrelevant, unrelated <<<
related words: 関連


pronunciation: kanrei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: custom, usage, rite, convention, precedent (n.)
慣例の: kanreino: customary, ritual, conventional
慣例に従う: kanreinishitagau: conform to the custom <<<
慣例を破る: kanreioyaburu: break [violate] the custom <<<
synonyms: 仕来り

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