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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38
Direct access: 愛国 , 安定 , 委員 , 異議 , 意見 , 威信 , 一揆 , 一派 , 委任 , 右翼


pronunciation: aikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: patriotic sentiment
愛国の: aikokuno: patriotic
愛国者: aikokusha: patriot <<<
愛国心: aikokushin: patriotism <<<
愛国主義: aikokushugi: patriotism, nationalism <<< 主義


pronunciation: antei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , politics
translation: stability, stabilization, steadiness, ballast
安定な: anteina: stable, steady
安定した: anteishita
安定する: anteisuru: stabilize (vi.)
安定させる: anteisaseru: stabilize (vt.)
安定化: anteika: stabilization <<<
安定性: anteisei: stability <<<
安定感: anteikan: sense of security <<<
安定装置: anteisouchi: stabilizer <<< 装置
安定勢力: anteiseiryoku: stabilizing power <<< 勢力
不安定: huantei: unstable, unsteady, wonky, wobbly, slippery <<<


pronunciation: iin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: committee member
委員長: iinchou: chairman (of a committee) <<<
委員会: iinkai: committee, commission <<<


pronunciation: igi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , politics
translation: objection, protest, dissent
異議が有る: igigaaru: have an objection <<<
異議が無い: igiganai: have no objection <<<
異議有り: igiari: Objection! <<<
異議無し: iginashi: No objection! <<<
異議無く: iginaku: without objection [dissent]
異議を唱える: igiotonaeru: object to, protest against, raise [make] an objection to, take exception to [against] <<<
異議を申立てる: igiomoushitateru <<< 申立
異議申立: igimoushitate: formal objection, exception
異議申立人: igimoushitatenin: demurrant
synonyms: 抗議
related words: 言分


pronunciation: iken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opinion, view, advice, remark, comment, judgment, observation, remonstration, reprimand, admonition
意見する: ikensuru: advise, remonstrate, admonish
意見を言う: ikennoiu: express one's opinion, opine <<<
意見を述べる: ikennonoberu <<<
意見を求める: ikennomotomeru: ask a person's opinion [views, advice] <<<
意見を叩く: ikennotataku <<<
意見に従う: ikennnishitagau: take [follow] a person's advice <<<
意見を曲げない: ikennomagenai: stick to one's opinion <<<
意見を異にする: ikennokotonisuru: disagree (with a person), have a different opinion [view] <<<
意見が一致する: ikengaitchisuru: be of the same opinion, agree (with a person about a matter) <<< 一致
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views <<< 交換
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views
意見の対立: ikennnotairitsu: conflict of views <<< 対立
意見調査: ikenchousa: survey, opinion poll <<< 調査
related words: コメント


pronunciation: ishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: prestige, dignity, authority
威信に係る: ishinnnikakawaru: affect one's prestige [dignity] <<<
威信を保つ: ishinnotamotsu: preserve one's dignity <<<
威信を失う: ishinnoushinau: lose one's prestige <<<
威信の有る: ishinnnoaru: prestigious <<<
related words: 権威


pronunciation: ikki
kanji characters:
keyword: politics , history
translation: riot, insurrection, rebel (n.), rebellion
一揆を起す: ikkiookosu: raise a riot, rebel (v.) <<<
一揆が起こる: ikkigaokoru: An insurrection occurs
related words: 反乱


pronunciation: ippa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: a sect, a school, a party


pronunciation: inin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , politics
translation: trust, charge, commission, mandate
委任する: ininsuru: entrust, place [leave] (a matter) in a person's hands, delegate (authority) to (a person)
委任の: ininnno: mandatory
委任者: ininsha: client, contractee, orderer, appointer, principal <<<
被委任者: hiininsha: representative, agent <<<
委任状: ininjou: letter of attorney, proxy <<<
委任統治: inintouchi: mandatory rule <<< 統治
委任統治国: inintouchikoku: mandatory power <<<
委任統治領: inintouchiryou: mandatory territory <<<
委任投票: inintouhyou: proxy voting <<< 投票
委任投票する: inintouhyousuru: vote by proxy
synonyms: 委託


pronunciation: uyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: right wing, right field, rightist, right-winger
右翼の: uyokuno: rightist
右翼的: uyokuteki <<<
右翼手: uyokushu: right fielder (in baseball) <<<
右翼団体: uyokudantai: rightist [right-wing] organization <<< 団体
右翼分子: uyokubunshi: right-wing element <<< 分子
related words: 左翼

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