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Direct access: 印刷 , 受付 , 営業 , 鉛筆 , 官房 , 私書 , 下敷 , 職場 , 書斎 , 書類


pronunciation: insatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office , book
translation: printing
印刷する: insatsusuru: print
印刷の: insatsuno: typographic
印刷の誤り: insatsunoayamari: misprint <<<
印刷中の: insatsuchuuno: in the press <<<
印刷工: insatsukou: printer (person) <<<
印刷屋: insatsuya: printer (person), printing office <<<
印刷所: insatsusho: printing office, print shop <<<
印刷物: insatsubutsu: printer matter <<<
印刷術: insatsujutsu: art of printing, typography <<<
印刷費: insatsuhi: printing costs <<<
印刷機: insatsuki: printing press [machine] <<<
印刷機械: insatsukikai <<< 機械
印刷用紙: insatsuyoushi: printing paper <<< 用紙
印刷インキ: insatsuinki: printing ink


pronunciation: uketsuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: reception (desk), receipt, acceptation, acceptance
受付ける: uketsukeru: receive, accept
受付け係り: uketsukegakari: reception clerk, receptionist <<<
受付所: uketsukejo: reception, information office <<<
受付番号: uketsukebangou: receipt number <<< 番号


pronunciation: eigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , office
translation: business, trade
営業する: eigyousuru: do [carry on] business, trade [deal] in, make a business of
営業中: eigyouchuu: open (office is) <<<
営業所: eigyousho: place of business, office <<<
営業税: eigyouzei: business tax <<<
営業主: eigyounushi: business proprietor [owner] <<<
営業費: eigyouhi: business [working, operating, running] expenses <<<
営業部: eigyoubu: business department <<<
営業日: eigyoubi: working day <<<
営業案内: eigyouannnai: business guide <<< 案内
営業禁止: eigyoukinshi: business prohibition <<< 禁止
営業時間: eigyoujikan: business [office] hours <<< 時間
営業資本: eigyoushihon: working capital <<< 資本
営業免許: eigyoumenkyo: franchise <<< 免許
営業妨害: eigyoubougai: interference with (another's) business <<< 妨害
営業秘密: eigyouhimitsu: business secret <<< 秘密


pronunciation: enpitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office , art
translation: (lead) pencil
鉛筆の芯: enpitsunoshin: lead of a pencil <<<
鉛筆で書く: enpitsudekaku: write with pencil <<<
鉛筆を削る: enpitsuokezuru: sharpen a pencil <<<
鉛筆削り: enpitsukezuri: pencil sharpener
鉛筆入れ: enpitsuire: pencil case <<<
鉛筆画: enpitsuga: pencil sketch <<<
赤鉛筆: akaenpitsu: red pencil <<<
青鉛筆: aoenpitsu: blue pencil <<<
色鉛筆: iroenpitsu: colored pencil <<<


pronunciation: kanbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: secretary's office, secretariat
官房長: kanbouchou: chief secretary <<<
官房長官: kanbouchoukan: Chief Cabinet Secretary <<< 長官
related words: 秘書


pronunciation: shisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: private document [letter]
私書箱: shishobako: post-office box (POB.) <<<
私書函: shishobako
私書偽造: shishogizou: falsification of private documents <<< 偽造


pronunciation: shitajiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster , office
translation: cardboard, cushion, underlay, desk pad
下敷に成る: shitajikininaru: be pressed [held, laid, pinned, crushed] under <<<
related words: クッション


pronunciation: shokuba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: one's post, one's place of work, one's working place
職場に帰る: shokubanikaeru: return to work <<<
職場を守る: shokubaomamoru: stick to one's post <<<
職場放棄: shokubahouki: walkout <<< 放棄
職場を放棄する: shokubaohoukisuru: desert one's post, walk out (on one's job)
職場代表: shokubadaihyou: workshop steward <<< 代表
職場委員: shokubaiin <<< 委員
職場委員会: shokubaiinkai: shop committee <<<
職場大会: shokubataikai: workshop rally <<< 大会
職場集会: shokubashuukai <<< 集会
職場転換: shokubatenkan: (staff) turnover, transfer <<< 転換
職場闘争: shokubatousou: workshop struggle <<< 闘争
職場補導: shokubahodou: training within industry (TWI), on-the-job training <<< 補導


pronunciation: shosai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: study room, library
書斎の人: shosainohito: man of the study <<<
書斎に籠る: shosainikomoru: shut oneself up [be confined] in his study room <<<


pronunciation: shorui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: documents, papers, file
書類挟み: shoruibasami: file grip, folder, portfolio <<<
書類鞄: shoruikaban: brief case, attaché case <<<
書類入れ: shoruiire <<<
書類箱: shoruibako: filing cabinet [box] <<<
書類戸棚: shoruitodana: file cabinet <<< 戸棚
書類選考: shoruisenkou: selection of a candidate through résumé
書類選考する: shoruisenkousuru: examine the personal histories of candidates [applicants]
書類送検: shoruisouken: sending a police report to the prosecutor
書類送検する: shoruisoukensuru: send a police report to the prosecutor
synonyms: 文書

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