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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 安住 , 安楽 , 遺産 , 遺書 , 一生 , 隠居 , 因縁 , 産声 , 運勢 , 運命


pronunciation: anjuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: peaceful life, settlement
安住する: anjuusuru: live peacefully, settle


pronunciation: anraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: comfort, ease
安楽な: anrakuna: comfortable, easy, happy
安楽な生活: anrakunaseikatsu: comfortable life <<< 生活
安楽に: anrakuni: comfortably, in comfort
安楽に感じる: anrakunikanjiru: be at ease, be relaxed, feel comfortable <<<
安楽に暮らす: anrakunikurasu: live in comfort, lead an easy life <<<
安楽死: anrakushi: easy and painless death, mercy killing, euthanasia <<<
安楽椅子: anrakuisu: easy chair <<< 椅子
related words: 快適 , 呑気


pronunciation: isan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: inheritance, heritage, legacy, estate, asset
遺産を継ぐ: isannotsugu: inherit [take over] an heritage <<<
遺産を残す: isannonokosu: leave [bequeath] an heritage <<<
遺産争い: isannarasoi: quarrel over an inheritance <<<
遺産相続: isansouzoku: succession (of heritage) <<< 相続
遺産相続人: isansouzokunin: legatee <<<
遺産相続税: isansouzokuzei: succession duty <<<
遺産管理: isankanri: administration (of heritage) <<< 管理
遺産管理人: isankanrinin: administrator (of heritage) <<<
遺産分割: isanbunkatsu: division of heritage <<< 分割


pronunciation: isho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: last will, testament
遺書を残す: ishoonokosu: leave a testament <<<
related words: 遺言


pronunciation: isshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: one's whole life, all [through] one's life
一生の: isshouno: lifelong
一生の間に: isshounoaidani: in [during] one's lifetime <<<
一生を通じて: isshouotsuujite <<<
一生の誤り: isshounoayamari: greatest mistake in one's life <<<
一生の間違い: isshounomachigai <<< 間違
一生の仕事: isshounoshigoto: lifework <<< 仕事
一生を捧げる: isshouosasageru: devote one's life to <<<
一生懸命に: isshoukenmeini: with all one's might [strength], very hard, for life, desperately, whole-heartedly <<< 懸命
一生懸命にやる: isshoukenmeiniyaru: do one's best, make a desperate effort


pronunciation: inkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: retirement, retired master, old man [woman]
隠居する: inkyosuru: retire (from active life), go into retirement
隠居所: inkyosho, inkyojo: retreat, place of retirement <<<
隠居仕事: inkyoshigoto: sinecure <<< 仕事
related words: 引退 , 老人


pronunciation: innnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism , life
translation: fatality, fate, karma, connection, origin
因縁を付ける: innnennotsukeru: make a false charge <<<
曰く因縁: iwakuinnnen: deep reasons <<<
related words: 宿命


pronunciation: ubugoe
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: first cry (of a new born)
産声を上げる: ubugoeoageru: be born, see the light (of day), come into the world <<<
related words:


pronunciation: unsei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: one's fortune [stars]
運勢が良い: unseigaii, unseigayoi: be born under a lucky star, be lucky <<<
運勢が悪い: unseigawarui: be born under a unlucky star, be unlucky <<<
運勢を見る: unseiomiru: tell [read] a person's fortune, cast one's horoscope <<<


pronunciation: unmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: fate, fortune, destiny
運命付ける: unmeiZukeru: destine, doom <<<
運命的: unmeiteki: fatal, fateful, inevitable, unavoidable <<<
運命的に: unmeitekini: fatefully, inevitably, unavoidably
運命に従う: unmeinishitagau: bow to the inevitable <<<
運命に任せる: unmeinimakaseru <<<
運命と諦める: unmeitoakirameru: submit to one's fate <<<
運命に甘んじる: unmeiniamanjiru <<<
運命を決する: unmeiokessuru: decide the fate of <<<
運命を共にする: unmeiotomonisuru: share the fate with <<<
運命と戦う: unmeitotatakau: fight [defy] fate <<<
運命の悪戯: unmeinoitazura: irony of destiny <<< 悪戯
運命の女神: unmeinomegami: Goddess of Destiny <<< 女神
運命線: unmeisen: line of Saturn, Fate <<<
運命論: unmeiron: fatalism <<<
運命論者: unmeironsha: fatalist <<<
related words: 宿命

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