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Direct access: 足枷 , 冤罪 , 恩赦 , 起訴 , 供述 , 刑期 , 係争 , 刑務所 , 検挙 , 検察


pronunciation: ashikase
kanji characters:
keyword: justice
translation: fetter (n.), shackle
足枷を嵌める: ashikaseohameru: fetter (v.), shackle, put (a person) into fetters. <<<
足枷を掛ける: ashikaseokakeru <<<


pronunciation: enzai
kanji characters:
keyword: justice
translation: false charge [accusation]
冤罪を被る: enzaiokoumuru: be falsely charged (with), be unduly accused (of) <<<


pronunciation: onsha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: amnesty, pardon (n.)
恩赦する: onshasuru: grant amnesty, pardon (v.)
恩赦を与える: onshaoataeru <<<
恩赦に浴する: onshaniyokusuru: be granted amnesty <<<


pronunciation: kiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: prosecution, indictment, litigation
起訴する: kisosuru: prosecute [indict] (a person for a crime), charge (a person with a crime), bring an action [a suit] (against), go to law (with)
起訴中: kisochuu: under indictment (for) <<<
起訴状: kisojou: indictment, information <<<
起訴事実: kisojijitsu: indicted facts <<< 事実
起訴理由: kisoriyuu: charge <<< 理由
起訴猶予: kisoyuuyo: suspension of indictment <<< 猶予
不起訴: hukiso: nonprosecution <<<
不起訴にする: hukisonisuru: drop a case
不起訴処分とする: hukisoshobuntosuru <<< 処分
related words: 訴訟


pronunciation: kyoujutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: deposition
供述する: kyoujutsusuru: depose, testify
供述者: kyoujutsusha: deponent <<<
供述書: kyoujutsusho: deposition, affidavit <<<


pronunciation: keiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: prison term
刑期を勤める: keikiotsutomeru: serve one's term of imprisonment <<<
刑期を終える: keikiooeru: serve out one's sentence <<<
刑期が満ちる: keikigamichiru: His sentence [prison term] has expired <<<
刑期が満了する: keikigamanryousuru
related words: 刑務所


pronunciation: keisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: dispute, contention
係争中: keisouchuu: be at issue [in dispute], be pending in court <<<
係争中の: keisouchuuno: contentious
係争点: keisouten: point at issue, disputed point <<<
係争問題: keisoumondai: question at issue <<< 問題


pronunciation: keimusho
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: justice
translation: prison, jail, goal, penitentiary
刑務所に入る: keimushonihairu: be put in prison [jail] <<<
刑務所に入れる: keimushoniireru: put in prison [jail]
刑務所を出る: keimushooderu: be released from prison <<<
刑務所長: keimushochou: governor [warden] of a prison <<<
related words: 監獄 , 牢屋


pronunciation: kenkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: arrest, roundup
検挙する: kenkyosuru: arrest (v.), round up
検挙者: kenkyosha: person in custody <<<


pronunciation: kensatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: criminal investigation
検察官: kensatsukan: public prosecutor, prosecuting attorney <<< , 検事
検察庁: kensatsuchou: Public Prosecutor's Office <<<
検察庁長官: kensatsuchouchoukan: Attorney General, Solicitor General <<< 長官
検察当局: kensatsutoukyoku: procuratorial authorities, prosecution <<< 当局

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