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Direct access: 衛生 , 御絞り , 御湿 , 綺麗 , 行水 , 塵袋 , 殺菌 , 敷布 , 消毒 , 小便


pronunciation: eisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: hygiene, sanitation
衛生に良い: eiseiniii: good for the health, wholesome, healthy <<<
衛生に悪い: eiseiniwarui: bad for the health, unwholesome, unhealthy <<<
衛生的: eiseiteki: hygienic <<<
衛生学: eiseigaku: hygiene, hygienics <<<
衛生係: eiseigakari: paramedic, health officer <<<
衛生兵: eiseihei <<<
衛生家: eiseika: cautious liver, observer of hygiene <<<
衛生室: eiseishitsu: sanitary [medical] room <<<
衛生紙: eiseishi: sanitary towel [napkin] <<< , ナプキン
衛生設備: eiseisetsubi: sanitary facilities <<< 設備
衛生施設: eiseishisetsu <<< 施設
衛生状態: eiseijoutai: sanitary conditions <<< 状態
衛生行政: eiseigyousei: sanitary administration, sanitary authorities <<< 行政
衛生試験所: eiseishikensho: hygienic laboratory
related words: 保健


pronunciation: oshibori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: wet hand towel
related words: タオル


pronunciation: oshime
kanji characters: , 湿
keyword: hygiene
translation: diaper (n.), nappy, napkin
御湿を当てる: oshimeateru: diaper (v.) <<<
御湿をさせる: omutsuosaseru
御湿を替える: oshimeokaeru: change the diaper <<<


pronunciation: kirei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 奇麗
keyword: beauty , hygiene
translation: beauty, splendor, cleanness
綺麗な: kireina: beautiful, lovely, fine, pretty, splendid, handsome, fair, clean, pure, clear, neat, tidy
綺麗な水: kireinamizu: clear water <<<
綺麗な空気: kirainakuuki: fresh air <<< 空気
綺麗に: kireini: beautifully, finely, splendidly, cleanly, neatly, tidily, completely, entirely, wholly, thoroughly
綺麗にする: kireinisuru: deck out, decorate, dress up, make clean, cleanse, make neat, tidy up, put in order
綺麗に忘れる: kireiniwasureru: have clean forgotten <<<
綺麗に負ける: kireinimakeru: be fairly beaten <<<
綺麗好き: kireizuki: tidy (person), cleanly <<<
綺麗事: kireigoto: without complication, whitewash, hypocrisy <<<
綺麗事に済ます: kireigotonisumasu: avoid complications, whitewash (an error) <<<
小綺麗: kogirei: pretty, neat, trim, tidy, spruce <<<
related words: , 清潔


pronunciation: gyouzui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: bath tub
行水をする: gyouzuiosuru: have [take] a bath tub


pronunciation: gomibukuro
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ゴミ袋
keyword: hygiene
translation: trash [rubbish] bag


pronunciation: sakkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: sterilization, pasteurization
殺菌する: sakkinsuru: sterilize, pasteurize
殺菌剤: sakkinzai: sterilizer, germicide, fungicide, disinfectant <<<
殺菌牛乳: sakkingyuunyuu: sterilized [pasteurized] milk <<< 牛乳
related words: 消毒


pronunciation: shikihu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: (bed) sheet, bedspread
related words: ベッド


pronunciation: shoudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: disinfection, sterilization
消毒する: shoudokusuru: disinfect, subject to disinfection, sterilize
消毒した: shoudokushita: disinfected, sterilized
消毒衣: shoudokui: disinfected clothes <<<
消毒液: shoudokueki: disinfectant solution <<<
消毒器: shoudokuki: sterilizer <<<
消毒室: shoudokushitsu: disinfected room [station] <<<
消毒所: shoudokujo <<<
消毒綿: shoudokumen: sterilized cotton <<< 綿
消毒薬: shoudokuyaku: disinfectant <<<
消毒剤: shoudokuzai <<<
消毒包帯: shoudokuhoutai: sterilized bandages <<< 包帯


pronunciation: shouben
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: hygiene
translation: urine, water, piss
小便する: shoubensuru: urinate, make water
小便が近い: shoubengachikai: pass water frequently <<<
小便が濁る: shoubenganigoru: One's urine is thick <<<
小便所: shoubenjo: urinal <<<
寝小便: neshouben: bed wetting <<<
寝小便をする: neshoubennosuru: wet the bed (at night)
related words: 尿 , 大便

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