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Direct access: 言回し , 異形 , 一格 , 意味 , 受身 , 英語 , 音読 , 会話 , 書き順 , 書取


pronunciation: iimawashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: (a turn of) expression, diction, phraseology
言回しの上手い: iimawashinoumai: be articulate <<< 上手
言回しの拙い: iimawashinomazui: be inarticulate <<<
拙い言回し: mazuiiimawashi: clumsy expression
related words: 表現


pronunciation: ikei, igyou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 異型
keyword: grammar , chemistry
translation: allomorphy, allomorphism
異形の: ikeino: allomorphic
異形態: ikeitai: allomorph <<<


pronunciation: ikkaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1格
keyword: grammar
translation: nominative
第一格: daiikkaku <<<
related words: 二格 , 三格 , 四格


pronunciation: imi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: meaning, sense, significance
意味する: imisuru: mean, signify
意味の無い: iminonai: senseless, meaningless, pointless <<<
意味の有る: iminoaru: significant, revealing <<<
意味有り気な: imiarigena: significant, suggestive
意味の深い: iminohukai: meaningful, expressive <<<
意味深長な: imishinchouna
意味論: imiron: semantic <<<
意味解釈: imikaishaku: semantic interpretation <<< 解釈
意味合い: imiai: implication, connotation <<<
有る意味で: aruimide: in a certain sense, in a way <<<
狭い意味で: semaiimide: in a narrow [strict, literal] sense <<<
広い意味で: hiroiimide: in a wide sense <<<


pronunciation: ukemi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け身
keyword: sport , grammar
translation: passive (voice), defensive position
受身の: ukemino: passive, (on the) defensive
受身に成る: ukemininaru: be on the defensive, lose the initiative <<<


pronunciation: eigo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , grammar
translation: English (language)
英語を話す: eigoohanasu: speak English <<<
英語で話す: eigodehanasu: speak in English
英語話せますか: eigohanasemasuka: Can you speak English?
英語解りますか: eigowakarimasuka: Do you understand English? <<<
英語で書く: eigodekaku: write in English <<<
英語に訳す: eigoniyakusu: translate to English <<<
英語が巧い: eigogaumai: be good at English, be proficient in English <<<
英語が出来る: eigogadekiru <<< 出来
英語学: eigogaku: Anglistics, study of English, English linguistics <<<
英語学者: eigogakusha: Anglicist, English scholar, specialist of English <<< 学者
英語の先生: eigonosensei: teacher of English, English teacher <<< 先生
英語の教師: eigonokyoushi <<< 教師
英語国民: eigokokumin: Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking people <<< 国民


pronunciation: onnyomi, ondoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: onyomi reading, reading of a Chinese character without rendering [translation]
antonyms: 訓読


pronunciation: kaiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: conversation, dialogue
会話の: kaiwano: conversational, colloquial
会話する: kaiwasuru: converse, talk
会話を交わす: kaiwaokawasu <<<
会話が巧い: kaiwagaumai: speak well, be good at speaking <<<
会話が拙い: kaiwagamazui: not speak well, be bad at speaking <<<
会話体: kaiwatai: colloquialism <<<
会話術: kaiwajutsu: conversation technique <<<
英会話: eikaiwa: conversation in English <<<
仏会話: hutsukaiwa: conversation in French <<<
独会話: dokukaiwa: conversation in German <<<
西会話: seikaiwa: conversation in Spanish <<< 西


pronunciation: kakijun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: stroke order (of a Chinese character)
related words: 筆順


pronunciation: kakitori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 書き取
keyword: grammar
translation: dictation
書取をする: kakitoriosuru: write from dictation, take dictation, dictate

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