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Direct access: 革靴 , 脚絆 , 靴下 , 靴墨 , 靴紐 , 靴箆 , 靴磨き , 靴屋 , 下駄 , 草履


pronunciation: kawagutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: leather shoes


pronunciation: kyahan
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 脚半, 脚袢
keyword: footwear
translation: gaiters, puttees
脚絆を付けて: kyahannotsukete: with gaitered legs <<<
巻脚絆: makikyahan: puttees <<<
synonyms: ゲートル


pronunciation: kutsushita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: sock, stocking
靴下を履く: kutsushitaohaku: put [draw] socks on <<<
靴下を脱ぐ: kutsushitaonugu: take off socks <<<
靴下留め: kutsushitadome: garter <<<
靴下止め: kutsushitadome <<<
靴下類: kutsushitarui: hose, hosiery <<<
靴下一足: kutsushitaissoku: a pair of socks <<< 一足
長靴下: nagakutsushita: knee-high sock, stocking <<<
related words: 足袋 , ソックス , ストッキング


pronunciation: kutsuzumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: shoe polish
靴墨を塗る: kutsuzumionuru: black a shoe <<<


pronunciation: kutsuhimo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: shoelace, shoe-string
靴紐を結ぶ: kutsuhimoomusubu: lace up one's shoes <<<
靴紐を締める: kutsuhimooshimeru: tighten shoelaces <<<


pronunciation: kutsubera
kanji characters:
other spells: 靴べら
keyword: footwear
translation: shoehorn


pronunciation: kutsumigaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: shoe polishing, bootblack, shoeshine boy [man]


pronunciation: kutsuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop , footwear
translation: shoe shop, shoe store, shoemaker, shoe dealer


pronunciation: geta
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: wooden clogs, Japanese clogs
下駄を履く: getaohaku: put on clogs <<<
下駄を脱ぐ: getaonugu: put off clogs <<<
下駄履きで: getabakide: in clogs <<<
下駄を預ける: getaoazukeru: leave everything to a person <<<
下駄屋: getaya: clogshop, clogmaker <<<
下駄箱: getabako: boot cupboard <<<
related words: 草履 , サンダル


pronunciation: zouri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: Japanese sandals, slippers
草履を履く: zouriohaku: put on [wear] sandals <<<
草履取り: zouritori: sandal carrier <<<
草履虫: zourimushi: paramecium <<<
藁草履: warazouri: straw sandals <<<
related words: 下駄 , サンダル

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