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Direct access: 赤字 , 遺産 , 印紙 , 売掛 , 運用 , 黄金 , 横領 , 御金 , 買掛 , 掛金


pronunciation: akaji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , economy
translation: red figure, deficit, negative balance
赤字の: akajino: in deficit, loss-making
赤字が出る: akajigaderu: get into the red figures, show a deficit <<<
赤字を埋める: akajioumeru: cover [make up] deficit <<<
赤字公債: akajikousai: red-ink bond, deficit-financing bond
赤字財政: akajizaisei: red-ink [deficit] finance <<< 財政
赤字予算: akajiyosan: unbalanced budget <<< 予算
antonyms: 黒字


pronunciation: isan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: inheritance, heritage, legacy, estate, asset
遺産を継ぐ: isannotsugu: inherit [take over] an heritage <<<
遺産を残す: isannonokosu: leave [bequeath] an heritage <<<
遺産争い: isannarasoi: quarrel over an inheritance <<<
遺産相続: isansouzoku: succession (of heritage) <<< 相続
遺産相続人: isansouzokunin: legatee <<<
遺産相続税: isansouzokuzei: succession duty <<<
遺産管理: isankanri: administration (of heritage) <<< 管理
遺産管理人: isankanrinin: administrator (of heritage) <<<
遺産分割: isanbunkatsu: division of heritage <<< 分割


pronunciation: inshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: (revenue, excise) stamp
印紙を貼る: inshioharu: stick [put] a stamp (on), stamp (papers) <<<
印紙税: inshizei: stamp duty <<<
related words: 切手


pronunciation: urikake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 売り掛
keyword: finance
translation: credit sale
売掛勘定: urikakekanjou: accounts of credit sales, charge account <<< 勘定
売掛金: urikakekin: accounts receivable <<<
売掛代金: urikakedaikin <<< 代金
antonyms: 買掛


pronunciation: unnyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: employment, application, use, investment
運用する: unnyousuru: employ, apply, use, work, invest


pronunciation: ougon, kogane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , history , finance
translation: gold
黄金の: ougonnno: golden
黄金郷: ougonkyou: El Dorado <<<
黄金株: ougonkabu: privileged share <<<
黄金数: ougonsuu: golden number <<<
黄金律: ougonritsu: golden rule [ratio] <<<
黄金旋律: ougonsenritsu <<< 旋律
黄金分割: ougonbunkatsu: golden section <<< 分割
黄金色: koganeiro: golden color <<<
黄金色の: koganeirono: golden
黄金虫: koganemushi: goldbug, May beetle <<<
黄金時代: ougonjidai: golden age <<< 時代
黄金世紀: ougonseiki: golden century <<< 世紀
黄金海岸: ougonkaigan: Gold Coast, Ghana <<< 海岸
黄金崇拝: ougousuuhai: mammon worship <<< 崇拝


pronunciation: ouryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , finance
translation: usurpation, embezzlement
横領する: ouryousuru: usurp, seize upon, embezzle
横領者: ouryousha: usurper <<<
横領罪: ouryouzai: embezzlement <<<
synonyms: 猫糞


pronunciation: okane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お金
keyword: finance
translation: money, penny
御金が無い: okaneganai: have no money, be out of pocket, be broken, be penniless <<<
御金が有る: okanegaaru: have money <<<
related words: 現金 , マネー


pronunciation: kaikake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 買い掛
keyword: finance
translation: credit purchase
買掛金: kaikakekin: accounts payable to creditors <<<
antonyms: 売掛


pronunciation: kakegane, kakekin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 掛け金
keyword: tool , finance
translation: latch (n.); installment, premium
掛金を掛ける: kakeganeokakeru: latch (v.) <<<
掛金を外す: kakeganeohazusu: unlatch <<<
掛金をする: kakekinnosuru: pay in [by] installments
related words:

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