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Direct access: 遺骸 , 御悔み , 棺桶 , 死骸 , 死者 , 死線 , 死体 , 死地 , 死人 , 死亡


pronunciation: igai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: one's remains, one's (dead) body


pronunciation: okuyami
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 御悔やみ, お悔やみ
keyword: death
translation: condolences, commiseration
御悔みを言う: okuyamioiu: express one's condolences <<<
御悔み申し上げます: okuyamimoushiagemasu: Please accept my [our] sincere condolences
御悔み状: okuyamijou: condolence letter <<<
synonyms: 弔辞


pronunciation: kanoke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: coffin, casket
棺桶にいれる: kanokeniireru: put in a coffin
棺桶に片足を突っ込む: kanokenikataashiotsukkomu: have one foot in the grave
synonyms: 霊柩
related words: 葬式


pronunciation: shigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: dead body, corpse, person's remains
synonyms: 死体 ,


pronunciation: shisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: dead, deceased


pronunciation: shisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: death line
死線を越える: shisennokoeru: cross the threshold of death [the death line], survive a life-or-death crisis <<<


pronunciation: shitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: corpse, dead body
死体解剖: shitaikaibou: autopsy, post-mortem dissection <<< 解剖 , 検死
死体解剖する: shitaikaibousuru: carry out an autopsy
死体遺棄: shitaiiki: abandonment of a corpse
synonyms: 死骸 ,


pronunciation: shichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: jaws of death
死地に赴く: shichiniomomuku: go into the jaws of death <<<
死地に乗り込む: shichininorikomu
死地を脱する: chichiodassuru: escape the jaws of death <<<


pronunciation: shinin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: dead person, corpse
死人の様な: shininnnoyouna: ghastly, deadly pale <<<
死人に口無し: shininnnikuchinashi: Dead men tell no tales.
synonyms: 死者 , 死体


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: death
死亡する: shibousuru: die, decease
死亡者: shibousha: dead (person) <<<
死亡者名簿: shiboushameibo: obituary column, death list
死亡率: shibouritsu: death rate <<<
死亡数: shibousuu: death toll, number of deaths, fatalities <<<
死亡届: shiboutodoke: death notice [report], notice of death <<<
死亡欄: shibouran: obituary notice <<<
死亡記事: shiboukiji <<< 記事
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 広告
死亡通知: shiboutsuuchi <<< 通知
死亡統計: shiboutoukei: statistics of mortality <<< 統計
死亡証明: shiboushoumei: death certificate <<< 証明
死亡診断書: shiboushindansho
synonyms: 物故

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