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Direct access: 悪意 , 悪事 , 悪党 , 悪人 , 阿片 , 暗黒 , 暗殺 , 暗躍 , 如何様 , 遺族


pronunciation: akui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: malice, ill will, evil intention
悪意で: akuide: maliciously, from malice, purposely
悪意から: akuikara
悪意を持つ: akuiomotsu: bear (a person) malice [grudge] <<<
悪意の有る: akuinoaru: malicious, spiteful <<<
悪意に満ちた: akuinimichita <<<
悪意の無い: akuinonai: harmless, innocent <<<
悪意に取る: akuinitoru: take (a matter) ill [amiss, in ill part] <<<
悪意に解釈する: akuinikaishakusuru <<< 解釈
related words: 魂胆


pronunciation: akuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: crime, wrong act, evil
悪事を働く: akujiohataraku: commit a crime, do evil <<<
related words: 犯行


pronunciation: akutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bad [wicked] man [person], villain, scoundrel
synonyms: 悪人 , 悪者


pronunciation: akunin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bad [wicked] man [person], villain, scoundrel
synonyms: 悪者 , 悪党


pronunciation: ahen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , drug
translation: opium
阿片を吸う: ahennosuu: smoke opium <<<
阿片窟: ahenkutsu: opium den <<<
阿片戦争: ahensensou: opium war <<< 戦争
阿片中毒: ahenchuudoku: opium poisoning, opiumism <<< 中毒
阿片中毒者: ahenchuudokusha: opium addict <<<
related words: 麻薬 , モルヒネ


pronunciation: ankoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: darkness, gloom
暗黒の: ankokuno: dark, pitch-dark, black
暗黒街: ankokugai: underworld <<<
暗黒色: ankokushoku: pitch-dark color <<<
暗黒面: ankokumen: dark [seamy] side <<<
暗黒時代: ankokujidai: dark ages <<< 時代
暗黒大陸: ankokutairiku: Black Continent <<< 大陸 , アフリカ


pronunciation: ansatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: assassination
暗殺する: ansatsusuru: assassinate
暗殺を企てる: ansatsuokuwadateru: make an attempt on a person's life <<<
暗殺を謀る: ansatsuohakaru <<<
暗殺者: ansatsusha: assassin <<<
related words: 刺客


pronunciation: annyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret maneuvering, underground activities
暗躍する: annyakusuru: get about in secret, be active behind the scenes


pronunciation: ikasama
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: crime
translation: counterfeit, fake, forgery
如何様の: ikasamano: false, faked, phony
如何様師: ikasamashi: impostor, swindler, chiseler <<<
related words: 詐欺 , ペテン


pronunciation: izoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , transport
translation: bereaved [surviving] family
遺族年金: izokunenkin: survivor's annuity [pension] <<< 年金
遺族補償: izokuhoshou: compensation for the bereaved <<< 補償

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