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Direct access: 辛子 , 香辛料 , 胡椒 , 生姜 , 丁子 , 肉桂 , 薄荷 , 茗荷 , 薬味 , 山葵


pronunciation: karashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 芥子, カラシ
keyword: condiment
translation: mustard
辛子入れ: karashiire: mustard pot <<<
辛子漬: karashiZuke: pickles in mustard <<<
辛子種: karashidane: mustard seed <<<
辛子粒: karashitsubu <<<
辛子菜: karashina: mustard plant <<<
辛子粉: karashiko: flour of mustard <<<
辛子ソース: karashisoosu: mustard sauce
辛子スプーン: karashisupuun: mustard spoon
辛子匙: karashisaji <<<
洋辛子: yougarashi: (western) mustard <<<
練り辛子: nerigarashi: mustard paste <<<
唐辛子: tougarashi: red [cayenne] pepper <<<
唐辛子入れ: tougarashiire: pepper pot <<<
related words: 山葵 , マスタード


pronunciation: koushinryou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: condiment
translation: spice
狼と香辛料: ookamitokoushinryou: Spice and Wolf (a Japanese novel and anime-manga of Hasekura Isuna, 2005) <<<
synonyms: スパイス , 薬味


pronunciation: koshou
kanji characters:
keyword: condiment
translation: pepper
胡椒入れ: koshouire: pepper castor, pot <<<
胡椒挽き: koshouhiki: pepper mill <<<
胡椒の効いた: koshounokiita: peppered <<<
胡椒を降りかける: koshouohurikakeru: sprinkle pepper <<<
胡椒草: koshousou: garden [pepper] cress <<<
related words: 辛子


pronunciation: shouga
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ショウガ
keyword: condiment
translation: ginger
紅生姜: benishouga: red pickled ginger <<<
related words: 茗荷


pronunciation: chouji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: clove tree
丁子の芽: choujinome: clove <<<


pronunciation: nikkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: cinnamon
肉桂の木: nikkeinoki: cinnamon tree <<<
related words: シナモン


pronunciation: hakka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: peppermint, mint
薄荷脳: hakkanou: menthol <<<
薄荷油: hakkayu: mint oil <<<
related words: ミント


pronunciation: myouga
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ミョウガ
keyword: condiment
translation: myoga ginger
related words: 生姜


pronunciation: yakumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: spices, condiments
薬味の効いた: yakuminokiita: spicy <<<
薬味を入れる: yakumioireru: spice (v.) [flavor, season] (a dish) <<<
薬味入れ: yakumiire: cruet, castor
synonyms: 香辛料 , スパイス


pronunciation: wasabi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: horseradish, wasabi
山葵の効いた: wasabinokiita: acerbic, piquant, spicy, peppered <<<
山葵漬: wasabiZuke: wasabi preserved <<<
related words: 芥子

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